This sounds pretty typical to me (based on my experience with my son, who's now 12 months and still nurses). Your boy is probably not actually hungry at midnight, though - it's a learned hunger at this point (he expects to eat during the night), and depending on how you feel about it, you can probably night wean him without impacting his daytime nursing schedule much.
If he's only eating once - around midnight - during the night, and then sleeps straight through, you might try gently waking him before YOU go to bed (around 10 or 11?) and nursing him then. This never worked for me, though (ie, he would still wake up at his usual snack time). My son's bedtime has been around 7pm since he was 2 months old, btw.
The Ferber book (Solving your Child's Sleep Problems) suggests that drinking too much at night is a problem. Based on my recent experience with my son, I have to agree to a point. After I stopped my son from drinking his bath water (he would drink probably up to 1/2 cup!) his diaper was no longer soaked and he started sleeping much longer - until around 5-6 AM instead of 2-3 AM - instantly. I think the wet diaper makes them uncomfortable. If you go on this theory then you're actually better off nursing your son at 5:45 when you get home, rather than right before bed. Also, by nursing him before his bath/bed, he does not associate nursing with sleep. This is good, since you don't want to HAVE to nurse him to go to sleep. Ferber recommends night weaning - accomplished by decreasing the time you nurse your baby each night until you're no longer nursing him. For me, I wasn't willing to do this at 6 months - it just seemed mean to me. But you can certainly do it if you want the sleep badly enough.
Another suggestion Ferber has, which is a good one - is that if your son wakes up and it's not his "usual" snack time, send your husband in to settle him instead of going in yourself. That way he won't be expecting a meal. Finally, give him 5-10 minutes to settle himself - he may surprise you and fall back asleep.