I give everyone this advice: Get a Paragard Copper IUD. No hormones (therefore, no side effects), very few risks, removable at any time, and you barely even know it's there. The only unpleasantness I've experienced is slightly heavier, crampier periods. Very easy to deal with in the big picture of better health since discontinuing hormonal bc.
Of course, you need to talk to your OBGYN about all of your options, you may find something you'll like even better, like a cervical cap or something else. And don't let other people run your life. If you're not ready for another child, then by all means, don't have one. My boys are actually 5 years apart and are still the best of buddies. Don't worry about the age gap. It's really not as important as some people make it out to be. It's all about how you raise them. I understand how you feel, my husband and I have dealt with deployment before and you need time to just be together and reestablish your norm before you even think about changing things up again.
Hope this helped.