Tell your OB/GYN immediately. Before I ever had kids I was on Ortho Novum 777 and had awful mood swings, low libido, and felt like I was going nuts. A different gyno told me this was not normal and I needed a LOW DOSE bc pill (I took bc to control irregular periods and to combat terrible cramps and heavy bleeding). I was on the low dose pills for almost 5 years before we had kids and I had a great libido and no PMS or mood swings (sorry I don't know the name of them~I received several types of generics over the years).
I'm sure the weather and sickness aren't helping, but it's best to try to nip it in the bud early if it is the bc pills so you aren't miserable in the future. You may be able to speak w/a nurse or PA at the doctor's office about the bc to find out if you need to come in to see the OB/GYN to change to a new pill. Good luck w/it and I hope you and your whole family feel better soon!