I took the mini pill from 6 weeks post partum, until my baby was 12 months. I had no problems with my milk supply.
Good luck
My obgyn suggested I take a low dose birth control pill as soon as I started my daughter on solids. I am afraid this will decrease my milk production. And I'm a little sad that she is starting solids and growing up! I feel like she was so tiny just yesterday. I've really enjoyed breast feeding her. I just want there to be enough to still breast feed through one year of age. She is 7 months old. Anyone else have concerns about this?
I took the mini pill from 6 weeks post partum, until my baby was 12 months. I had no problems with my milk supply.
Good luck
I took a low dose pill starting about 3 weeks after I had my daughter. I never had a problem breast feeding AND pumping. You can still get pregnant while you are breast feeding, I'm surprised you aren't on one already.
you can always take supplements which may increase your milk production. (they worked for me and i breastfed until he got crazy with his teeth, around 10 mos). but i think you may always have that "aww she's growing up..." feeling.
I've been solely breastfeeding my 6mth old baby girl and have taken the low dose of Birth Control pills (Jolivette) for 3.5mths now as I was worried about getting pregnant again so soon. It hasn't affected my milk supply at all, as I know some do, and I've had no side effects with it.....although it feels wierd to me not to have had a period since I conceived. there is no break between packets so as long as you take this pill while breastfeeding you wont have a period. My daughter has 6 cubes of solids every evening for dinner before her last Milk feed, she adores all her homemade veggies.
Hope this helps.
My doctor suggested I take the minipill while breastfeeding both of my kids. I started at about 6 weeks postpartum and had no problems with milk production from it. I nursed my son until he was 13 months and my daughter until she was 14 months. If you have any concerns discuss it with your doctor. I was just advised not to take a birth control pill that has estrogen in it because that can cause your milk supply to decrease. The minipill has no estrogen in it, so you should be fine.
I also took a low dose but I did have instant issues with supply and I'm a super lactator. LOL. I went off it and it came back so you can try it and stop it if it doesn't work for you. I got the Mirena IUD after that and it didn't affect my supply.