You can be creative with this.
For my 16th birthday I didn't want a cake.
We just had a pizza party.
My Mom got the number shaped candles (a one and a six) and stuck them into the middle of the pizza.
It worked just fine!
At my daughter's birthday party we are having cake pops instead of the traditional cake. The cake pops are coated with a candy coating so it's not possible to stick candles into them, but I still want to have candles for her to blow out. I was thinking about just buying a small cake or cupcakes to stick the candles on, but that seems like such a waste since I am making more than enough cake pops for the party - we will probably be eating cake pops for a few days after the party as it is. I'm looking for creative ideas of other ways to display/hold birthday candles without the cake. The simpler the better since the party is on Sunday and I'm a little burnt out with the preparations. This is the one last detail that I haven't figured out. My daughter is turning seven, so that's how many candles I need to have. Any ideas?
You can be creative with this.
For my 16th birthday I didn't want a cake.
We just had a pizza party.
My Mom got the number shaped candles (a one and a six) and stuck them into the middle of the pizza.
It worked just fine!
Take a few cake pops and build a kind of pyramid out of them. Use some frosting to hold them together. You could put a circle of 7 on the bottom layer, then 5 on the next layer, then 3, then one on top. Put them on a pretty plate and surround them with strawberries or other fruits, or flowers. Then stick the candles into your cake pop centerpiece.
Melt the bottom of the candles a little bit, then stick them on a plate. surround with cake pops.
As an alterntive, get the long candlesticks. they spell out happy pirthday, and are set on wood picks about 10" long. these can be stuck into the same display that you are using for the cake pops.
Another alternative. pierce the cake pops with a skewer, then stick candles in them.
Another alternative, get a chuncky #7 candle. that can be set on top of or near pretty much anything. (you can find these at the dollar store).
Good luck and happy b-day to your little girl.
F. B.
Place icing flourishes (even if it is canned icing) around the tray serving the cake pops and place the candles in 7 of these dollops.
Since you are making the cake pops can you use some of the batter to make a small cake? Then purchase a number "7" candle to place on top? I don't use the individual candles anymore, it makes blowing out the candle so much easier and is a cute momento...we use them from time-to-time throughout the birthday year for fun, too : )
Get a piece of foam or styrofoam and decorate it. Then just stick the candles in that! :)
my first thought was go to a bakery and buy one cupcake - they usually have ones with cool designs on them or characters.. and instead of using 7 candles but one of those candles that is the number 7 and use that and its her own special cupcake for the birthday girl
Will there be any adults? Why not purchase a little 4' cake and then you'll have a small cake for adults and/or freeze it and use when it's just the family or a later time when a couple of friends are over. Have them write her name on it and stick the candles on it. Birthday isn't a party witout a cake! :-) It doesn't cost very much.
And if you really don't want a cake, I guess you could use a (thawed) frozen waffle/pancake, cover in aluminum and stick the candles in there. A paper plate upside down, decorate it with markers and or ribbon & poke the candles through. You could also use the lid of an egg carton, wrap in foil or use seven of the egg individual holders on the bottom, cover in foil.
Hopefully, you'll receive some good resonses, anxious to see. Good Luck!
I would make her a cupcake or stick them in her ice cream or whatever. You can also get a syrofoam ball (make it a biggish one), decorate it like the cake pop and put a stick on it. Then stuff the candles in it or glue on a number candle and hold it for her while she blows them out. It shouldn't burn the ball if you don't let them burn down very far.
are you having ice-cream?
We just did cake pops for my son's bday last weekend and I put his candles in the ice-cream.
when you make the cake pops, make a cupcake as well and use that.
My thought is to put them on a pretty cake platter or plate. Use one candle to melt and put drops on the plate, so that they "stick" Then they will be upright and pretty when you light them up.
Play-Doh or Sculpey. You can mold/sculpt it to look like a cake or anything else you like. Put the candles in while it is soft. If you let it harden like this, it can be reusable.
You could make a little flower arrangement with green florist styrofoam in a small cup/bowl and put a candle in the center. Or just get one cupcake.