Dear C.,
I hope this will help....looking at both sides.
Your “partner” and his former wife been divorced for nine years. The fourteen year old son was five years old when the marriage ended. Were other children older or younger? Was your “partner” involved in extra marital affairs prior to separation and divorce? If the answer is yes, that may be part of the reason why she is still unable to move on with her own life. At the time of their divorce were you “the other woman?”
Being left alone with small children can be pretty tough. Add that to being left alone for another woman, who may be perceived as younger, prettier, smarter, sexier, etc., is painful, humiliating and can send a woman over the edge. Some women recover and move on, some never do; especially those who signed on for the long haul. Even though they knew there was trouble in the marriage never suspected it would end in divorce?
I would suggest putting a block on her email address and start communicating through a third party unless there is a family emergency. You may be able to have a court ordered mediator and certain rules and guidelines put into force. If they are violated by either party, there could be serious consequences.
It is regrettable that a mother doesn’t want to participate in the school community, but again, if she has to run into her former husband and his girlfriend or second wife, it may be more then she can handle. If this is the case they might consider alternating events or agreeing to attend at different times. (I realize this may not always be possible).
Your “partner” may maintain an unbelievable level of patience with his former wife because he feels a certain level of guilt. He knows the most important thing right now is what is best for the children. The less drama they have to see between their parents, the better off they will be. The fourteen year old said he doesn’t like his mother as a “person.” I suspect he still loves her as his mother and is at an age where he is probably hurt, frightened and concerned about her emotional health.
I pray that things will improve for everyone concerned.