I suffered for years with bladder control issues. I started wearing pads, the bladder control kind, not the kotex ones. And when I got bronchitis this year I finally broke down and mentioned it to my Dr who prescribed Vesi-care. A once a day pill. It has helped by dropping my lack of control to about half what it had been. Not enough for me to give up my pads but so much better than what it was I no longer have to change clothes 3-5 times a day.
From what I have read about this problem those of us that had difficult time with delivery often have this problem. And it is a life long problem. kegals can help, med can help, middle age does not help in any manner shape or form. About 1/3 of women over age 40 have some sort of bladder control issue.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. But I hope that I have helped some here.