Hi.....I am so sorry to hear what you are going through...I know and understand how you are feeling. I have had 5 pregnancies, 3 of which resulted in my beautiful children but two of which ended in m/c. However I bled with ALL of them and was told that I would likely miscarry. Especially with my first, without going into too much detail I bled ALOT (I was around 7 weeks-and bled until about 11 weeks) and had all the u/s and tests done and was told to take it easy and rest...I had a sub-chorionic (sp?) bleed....I was convinced I was losing him....turned out I didnt and he is now 6 years old. My next pregnacy ended in m/c at about 7 weeks...it was a VERY heavy period with LOTS of cramps and I knew there was no point in going to the doctor. Pregnancy number 3 I was diagnosed finally with low progesterone and started taking progesterone suppositories from 4 weeks as soon as I found out I was pregnant. I had slight spotting but all went OK and my daughter is now 4. Pregnancy number 4 was my worst - I took progesterone as soon as I found out I was pregnant and all was well until about 6/7 weeks when once again I started bleeding. As with the others I had all the tests, saw heartbeat good and string etc etc. I was told to take it easy and so I put myself on bedrest. The bleeding stopped a couple of weeks later. Then when I was around 12 weeks I started bleeding again and this time I was passing grey matter (not good). I went to the ER and basically there was no heartbeat and I had had what they called a mis miscarriage where the baby dies and you dont pass it out. I had a D and C and they later told me that the baby probably died around 9 weeks (they could tell because of the size) and that it wasnt properly formed so they thought that was why I m/c. I think I carried it until 12 weeks because of the progesterone. My last pregnancy was fine and I had a healthy boy (I took progesterone again).
So I guess by telling you my story I wanted to let you know that
1- there is still hope....all your symptoms sound like my first pregnancy which ended up OK.
2-There is really nothing you can do, by me going on bedrest and taking progesterone I proglonged the inevitable with pregnancy number 4 which ended in m/c anyway due to the baby and how it developed....but by taking progesterone I helped my other pregnancies.
Good luck and hang in there...what will be will be and there is nothing you can do to change it if this baby is not meant to be,