I knew that I wanted to try to get pregnant again as soon as possible so I wanted to get things over with as soon as possible, so I choose the D&C. Good luck to you.
I posted awhile ago about bleeding and cramping during my pregnancy. I found out last week I have Blighted Ovum- meaning a baby did not form. A sack or set did but a baby never started to form. My doctor gave me the option of waiting till my body discharges the sack, take pills that help my body discharge or have a D&C. I am terrified to do the D&C step because I am a chicken and just doesn’t sound pleasant (not that any of this is). I originally thought to wait, but my body still thinks its pregnant (because technically I am) so I have all the same symptoms but I know a baby isn't forming. So it seems pointless to wait, and put myself through more torture. I think this may help me grieve and get over it. Any body have experience with waiting or taking the pills? Any answers could help.
Thank you -___-
Just came back from the Doctors office- and they found the baby. Heart beat and jumping baby were clearly seen on the monitor. I am still in SHOCK. Thank you everyone for your kind words but guess I won't be going that route. I am extremely happy and feel so blessed.
I knew that I wanted to try to get pregnant again as soon as possible so I wanted to get things over with as soon as possible, so I choose the D&C. Good luck to you.
I'm so sorry. How heartbreaking. :( I miscarried early on, and I took the pills. That seemed easier to me than waiting for nature to take its course, or dealing with a D&C, but I will say that it didn't work all the way the first time and then I had to take a whole new round of pills again. So it wasn't as physically easy as I thought it would be. But, at least I could deal with it at home and at a time of my own choosing. None of it is really easy, I don't think. I'm sorry you are faced with this.
I am so very sorry for your loss. I know that it is a loss, emotionally, and do hope that you give yourself time to grieve and do take good care of yourself.
I have had three miscarriages, and highly recommend getting good pain medication if you decide to let nature take it's time. Also consider getting backup childcare, as this process can be very painful.
I have no experience of the pills. My sister, however, has had two pregnancies which were not viable (one was a blighted ovum) and chose to let nature take it's time. After a couple weeks, she did decide on both occasions to get the D&C and although the loss of the pregnancies was hard, she said that her experiences with the D&Cs were good ones, and that she was treated with compassion. This is something I've heard repeatedly from other mothers as well. I just share this because if this is a route you decide to take, I hope it will allay some of your fears.
Again, I'm so sorry and hope you have good people to hold you up during this time.
I haven't experienced either, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry for your loss.
I'm sorry for your loss.
I had a miscarriage at about 6-7 weeks and I decided to let nature run its course. After multiple rounds of bloodwork to check my hormone levels and appt after appt at the OBGYN office having to see other women who were elated to be pregnant, part of me wished to have just gone through with the D&C.....In the end, I really don't know what would have been better emotionally or physically, but I tend to shy away from medical procedures unless they are absolutely necessary.
It's a choice you have to make, but the pills sound like a decent option. I wasn't given that option and may have taken that option instead of waiting around for what felt like FOREVER. It was a constant reminder and it was so hard to move on when my own body couldn't.
I would definitely research the pills and make an educated and informed decision.
Blessings to you as you heal physically and emotionally. Please do not feel like you have to get over this quickly, for many of us who have suffered losses, it takes a long time to feel "normal" again. For me- It's been almost 7 years....This would be the time of year that s/he would have been born and it always enters my mind (not daily, but it's still there). Though I am thankful for the two blessings I have now that I probably would not have if that pregnancy would have resulted in a healthy baby.
I was 12 weeks pregnant measuring 8 weeks when I found out I had a blighted ovum last week. I had the d and c on Thursday. I choose to do the d and c because my body wasn't given up the pregnancy and I didn't want to keep feeling pregnant when I knew there was no growing baby. I also looked up stories of women who had taken the pill and one lady had pictures of what she discharged and I could put myself through the physical pain of the miscarriage. It would have been to emotional because I wanted to feel that pain when I was having a beautiful baby not pass a stupid empty sac. The d and c was not painful at all, they put an iv in and I got on the table and the next thing I know a sweet three year old boys was crying because he was scared waking up from his surgery. I haven't bleed much and only have had minor cramping.
Sorry, just went through this myself. I have had more than two miscarriages, but I will discuss the two that were most significant. There are a few things to consider, do you work, do you have other kids to care for, and how far along were you?
One pregnancy measured 7.5 weeks but i carried to 11 weeks without knowing the pregnancy failed. I went to the ER because of bleeding and passed most of the tissue before I could even see my regular dr. The yolk sac was in tact ( I guess thats rare), so my body had to dilate and contract and out came a fig sized sac. Yes it hurt.
With the second I was 8 weeks and like you, there was no baby. I took the medicine to start bleeding as I had not started. There was cramping, but nothing like having to stay in bed all day. I organized closets. Some clumps came out, but nothing that made me dilate. I took the medicine a total of three times (so three days) I was sure I was headed for a D&C when after an ultra sound the dr. said I'd passed it all. The difference being that the sac was collapsed and no baby, it really wasn't much worse than a period. But I did have several days of not knowing what to expect and hiring baby sitters to come out. Now if I had worked, I can see where a D&C is better from a time perspective and being able to plan on having the day off. But emotionally I feel like passing naturally, even the one that was painful, really helped me grieve. My physical pain mirrored my emotional pain. I was sad for as long as I bleed and then when the bleeding stopped, I also stopped being so sad. I recommend you pass it naturally with medicine.
I just want to offer a bit of hope... you very well may not have a baby in there but... that is exactly what I was told. I had bleeding during week 6 and my HCG levels continued to climb but there wasn't anything in the sac for the ultra sound. I was heart broken. I was given the choices you were and opted to wait for my body to take care of it. At my next appointment there was a heartbeat! Thank God! We had a couple more bumps in the pregnancy but now I have a beautiful little girl.
Again... this may not be your case but I wanted you to know that sometimes it is just too early to tell. Sending you hugs!
First off, I'm SO sorry for your loss. And it IS a loss, because you will still be grieving the baby you thought was there. Don't let anyone tell you to blow this off, or make you feel as though you shouldn't be sad b/c you didn't "really" lose anything. Yes, you did. You lost a pregnancy.
Second, I would recommend the D&C. I had to have one 2 years ago for a loss, and it was better for me to go to sleep, and wake up and know it was all over. I didn't have to wait around, and then experience grief again as I started to bleed on my own.
You can't pick "wrong" here. If you need to go more natural for this, or don't want to be put under general anesthesia, then the pills or waiting are perfectly fine. But, you will be well cared for during a D&C, and the recovery was super easy for me. Even with a minor complication, I had no pain after sleeping off the anesthesia for about 5 hours.
I am overjoyed for you to see your outcome!! I am so happy for you! Prayers that all goes well!!
I would let nature take it's course if you can.
I had a D&C once, it was not pleasant.
Now that I read your update;CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am very happy for you and glad they found the baby!!!!!!!
So they now have a name for it now. 18 years ago I had gotten pregnant 3 times in a two-three year period and each time I had everything,but the fetus. The first time i went through a horrible miscarriage at three months (this was before I knew the situation) and had to have a D&C. The next two times right before the end of my 3rd month I would have a sonogram and the same thing so my doctor would set me up for a D&C. My opinion is it is better to go ahead and have the D&C and then wait a while and try again.
I was in my late 30's when it happened and it just wasn't meant to be for me and my 2nd hubby. I had my two boys while I was in my 20's who are grown now, so I think it just happens sometimes and doesn't mean it will happen again.
For me God knew best and I had already been blessed with two children.
Good luck.
So sorry this happened to you. The exact same thing happened to me about 5 years ago. I wasn't given the option of anything else besides a D & E (this is where they actually use a vacuum to suck the tissue out of the uterus . . . NO scraping of the uterus!). My recovery was not a big deal at all. I went back to work the next day. They also tested the tissue and discovered a possible molar pregnancy. I would make sure they test for this because it can affect the next pregnancy if not treated. I don't know how far along you are, but I also lost a baby at 16 weeks, in which they did not recommend a D & C. The waiting was awful and it was basically like going through labor.
Hang in there dear! Is is AWFUL to lose a baby! I know, we also experienced a stillbirth, so I've been there. Take time to grieve. It's very normal and OK to feel sad and grief!
I am so so sorry, there is nothing more devastating. I have been there and know what you are feeling. My suggestion is go for the D&C. It is simple and straightforward, almost no pain at all. I tried letting my body take the natural course and it was beyond agony, both physically and mentally. They ended up doing a D&C as 6 days later my body had still not completed the job. After you have a D&C your fertility is very high as well : ) Good luck and wishing you all the best. Big Hugs.
I have had this also, I preferred to let it expel naturally. You never know what would happen during a procedure. It is a pain to wait for it to come out on its own, but that was always my preference.
I do not have any advice on the pills, but I did want to write to say that I am sorry for your loss. Something similar happened to me about a year and half ago, and it's hard, even if you only knew about it for a short while. Good luck and take care!
I am so sorry for your lose! My sister in law had that happen a few years ago. She choose to go home and take the meds. She said there ws some pain but they gave her meds for that cause when I talked to here she was very dopey. She was very gla that is what she chose to do. Me on the other hand think I would have wanted the dnc and get it over with. What ver your desition you really can't make the wrong one for you. Good luck and God bless!
I'm so sorry. It's so bizarre, I know.
It's hard to process, esp when you've been TTC. It's like, ok, so now you're telling me that a positive pregnancy test doesn't even necessarily mean I'm pregnant? It's such a head trip.
As far as what to do next, I always prefer to allow nature to take its course without intervention if possible (and safe). I felt like a D&C would have been almost traumatic for me and didn't want to do it. No one said anything to me about any pills, but I'd be willing to bet that the process would be the same as a natural passing, only expedited (I could be wrong though). If that was the case and there were no side effects, I might do that. My miscarriage lasted 12 days and that was hard, esp when I passed large clots. It was hard to be bleeding and back at work, in front of the students, knowing that's what was happening. So I think if I had the option of taking a pill that was safe and would expedite the process, I might be all for it.
I'm so sorry again. Hugs to you.