Hi S. - your local librarian can be a great resource for you. We also REALLY like the Jumpstart Advanced 1st Grade program for the computer. It is a learning CD that has 12 levels - they have complete all the learning games and earn citizenship keys before moving on to the next level. The CD comes with the first 3 or 4 levels installed and then you pay $7/mo to unlock each of the other levels.
It has age-appropriate reading games, word skills games, addition and subtraction games as well as art and exploration games. The company also makes a program called Advanced Kindergarten and Advanced 2nd grade so you can pick the one that best meets your child's learning level. My son did almost half of the second grade levels in 1st grade - I think it worked because his teacher says he is almost finished working through the 2nd grade curriculum in October and will have to start him on 3rd grade work by the new year.
I hope that works for you!