Bottle Habbit

Updated on November 28, 2011
C.G. asks from Lacey, WA
5 answers

my daughter is almost 2 and i have been trying for months to to break her bottle habbit. i do know that it is her security blanket since its just about the only thing that stays the same at my house and at her dads house. ive already decided that once she has chewed through all her nipples that im not buying any more and she will have to get used to a sippy. im just looking for tips on how to make the transition easier for us both. she only has 3 nipples left. the last time i tried to just give her a sippy with her milk and refused to give her a bottle. she ended up not eating the whole day, or drinking for that matter. i finally broke down half way through the 2nd day since she refused to eat or drink and she was sooo hungry that she downed her bottle of milk in less than 5 mins. i guess im just affraid that she will do the same thing when she chews through her last nipple and i switch to sippy. i do try to put milk in her sippy and juice in the bottle some times to see if she will drink from the sippy instead but she wont. any ideas? im starting to run out of ideas

she does keep it with her most of the time. she constantly has it in her mouth, weather it has anything in it or not. i have to wait till shes been a sleep for at least 30 mins before i can take it out of her mouth or she will grab it right back. she never sucked her thumb or on a binki much. but some times i try to get her to take the biki instead and she will... some times. i also have both hard top and soft top sippy cups but she really doesnt go for them. i think the main reason i want her off it so bad is because she doesnt eat solid food very much. i try not giving her a full bottle of milk but she still doesnt eat. i figure if i can get her off the bottle then she will start eating more. i did find all of your answers helpfull. thank you. i will continue to fight the battle of the bottle lol.

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answers from Philadelphia on

Try the Nuby sippers or something similar, with a silicone "nipple". That way the "sip" part is similar to a nipple and not hard.

Sounds like she likes to chew on soft things...maybe give her a teether?

Also, talk to her about the transition. She is 2 and will understand what you say. Keep it simple, and maybe let her know that the substitutes to the bottle will be at both homes.

2 moms found this helpful


answers from Oklahoma City on

It's not a huge deal if she stays on the bottle a little longer. Our boy stayed on his until he was 2 and one day walked up, gave it to me, and never really looked back. If she needs to suck she will find something to suck. If she decides her fingers is what she will suck she could easily damage her bones in her jaws. A bottle is much less the evil of the two choices.

As long as you are not letting her hold the bottle in her mouth during the night her saliva will wash away the milk from her mouth. It is the constant drip/flow of milk onto the teeth all night that allows the milk to rot the teeth away. Normal bottles do not do this since they don't stay in their mouth for extended periods of time.



answers from Minneapolis on

My daughter had a bottle of milk before nap and bedtime until she turned 3. (Her teeth are perfect and straight at 9). Just don't let her carry it around and suck on it during the day or keep it in her mouth when she's sleeping. Just let her get her milk from it a couple of times a day. Eventually, she'll be OK with giving it up. Don't worry. There is no law about bottles and a kid's age, really there isn't.



answers from Tampa on

Serve only sippy cup at the table.



answers from Portland on

My son took a bottle 2-3x's a day until he was 2. After his birthday we talked to him and told him how he's a big boy now and big boys don't use a bottle. Bottles are for babies. And then we told him that his baby cousin Kaitlyn would LOVE to have his bottles (and binkies). So then together we bagged them all up, he said good-bye and Daddy took them in the car to take them to Kaitlyn. ((Never mind that she lives 2500 miles away and they didn't go to her anyway.)) Then it was done! He has occasionally asked for a bottle before bed but we remind him where they went and that he has his sippy cups now. Good luck!!

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