No fun for you! My first was 12 mos old. On his first b-day party, we "threw away" the bottles because he was a big boy. He had no problem with that. My 2nd was taking night time bottles until his 2nd b-day--I couldn't get him to quit! I've heard people gradully diluting the bottles until they're all water, and the kids lose interest. I don't know. I think at 14 months, you can cut down to night time bottles only, and that's reasonable. Go out & buy sippy cups and make it a BIG PARTY ;) It's hardest to give up the bed time bottle, so you can try to put to bed with just a bottle of water. Or, you can just go with it. I mean, nobody took a bottle at 5, right? He'll let you know when he's ready to quit. I feel every one gets a little caught up in milestones. Before sippies, kids had bottles til 3 or 4. If you want to wean him, you can do it, if you don't care, don't fight it. There's more to fight later! :) Oh, and one more thing. DON'T put formula (or breast milk, or whatever you are currently feeding) in the sippy. Let it be separate w/ cow milk or soy or juice or water. Otherwise, he'll just hang on to the sippy like a bottle.