There is no way, any help type organization or government assistance processing... can be done in 7 days. Which is her deadline to vacate, and this is "his" deadline for her to vacate.
Plus she has 3 children. Not his.
Plus, he took money from "their" joint account.
And they don't qualify for common law marriage designation.
He probably knew, of this 3 year law. Because they've been living together for JUST less than 3 years. And he made it so that nothing is in her name. But the joint account, they both contributed to it.
Does she have proof, that she ALSO contributed to the money in the joint account? This is the least of her problem.
Then, her name is not even, on the house. Only his. But she, signed all checks paid to the Landlord.
Then, she "contributed" her child support checks from her ex-husband, to this Ex Boyfriend of hers. But those are her, kids, and their, child support, money. It is not her Boyfriend's money.
Does her Ex-Husband... know all of this?
Does he not have, joint or whatever custody of them too?
She needs a Lawyer.
Who knows what the laws are.
She needs to find herself someplace to live... friends, maybe a church can help her, a women's shelter, etc.
She has to see what is in HER country, that provides help.
Who knows if she has any rights to anything/any belongings.
All of this, is legal, matters.
But she has to act quick.
Can she arrest him for anything?
Is he abusive?
What about her Ex, the one that she has 3 children from?
Does she get alimony?
Does she have joint custody with her Ex, from those 3 children?
that is another whole legal issue.
No one here, can even know what to do.
Whatever laws there are there, who knows.