Hi S.,
Personally, I'm looking forward to reading the responses to your request. Since having my second child, I have break-outs on my face, too. Not a lot; not like a teenager going through puberty; but enough that I want to do something.
Pro-Active has been highly recommended to me by numerous people as well as the Arbonne line of products. And, I also checked with my OB. Depending on when these break-outs occur (mine happen to be about a week before my period and extend through the period week), if you are on the pill, it could be a side effect of the pill. My OB offered to start trying new pills to see what happens, but since that is the only negative side effect for me, I like the pill otherwise, and my break-outs aren't horrendous, I've decided not to switch pills at this point. I have also noticed that if I am particularly stressed out during this same time period, the break-outs are worse.
So here are my three suggestions: Pro-Active, Arbonne, changing your pill (if applicable).
Good luck to you. I never had this problem as I was growing up. It first arrived when I was pregnant with #2, and simply has declined, but not completely gone away since she was born 2 years ago.