All foods have additives in them. It is part of the process that allows us to have food for longer periods of time. If we all grew our own meat, veggies, wheat, and sugarcane to make our own foods then we would all be healthier. Since we can't all go back to that lifestyle we ingest preservatives and other things needed for our lifestyles.
I try to do the non sugared cereals like plain cheerios, rice chex, raisin bran, corn flakes, you get the idea.
It is alarming the foods we eat but we have been doing it for years and there is minimal mutation of our genes.
Eating something like this is not horrible. It is normal food from the most basic form of thought. Everyone is eating it.
If you are truly worried about it then I suggest you research learning to grind wheat and other grains and come up with some yummy recipes to make your own breakfast cereals.