H.; its so hard for little ones to feel secure, even every now and then we enjoy company at night when we might of had a bad dream, or just need to be held , even as adults we need comfort, why not let a young child have comfort too? but then how do you get to sleep with little ones in your bed, well once they are asleep you can carry them back to their rooms, and if that dont work you can do what i did , i put a little mattress under my bed, and had it all made, and then i would put the child there, they got comfort and slept in same room with me, not just same bed, eventually they go in their room, little ones too can be scared and run to the adult for comfort, if you cant provide comfort for them they will find it elsewhere and thats not always a good idea, its ok to provide their comfort without disturbing too much, if he is crying for you and you come, its ok to comfort them and go back to sleep , you can try the cry it out method but its really hard, and it can work in time, and in some kids you h ave to do this, otherwise there is no sleeping if you want, to try the sleep it out method, when they cry wait a bit, then go, next time wait a bit longer, then even longer next time, eventually they will get it, time yourself, go in in one minute one time, then two the next , just have fun and be loving and give your child what it needs when it needs it, i know every night can be really rough, so hang in there, and enjoy life D. s