Just as every pregnancy and baby are different, so too will your body. I too was adamant about nursing! I "fought" to BF my first daughter until 6 mos. I finally gave up out of pure exhaustion. I was working part time and pumping and she wouldn't take the milk at daycare. Instead she would be up all night nursing leaving me EXHAUSTED. I later discovered the reason was my milk was spoiling prematurely - so she was getting "bad" milk at daycare. No wonder she wouldn't eat it! Needless to say, her sleep schedule was completely screwed up for a long time to come.
With baby #2 I again gave up at about 6 mos. My first daughter was up a lot at nights, and I was trying to breastfeed a baby with a very active toddler running around during the daytime. My DH begged me to stop so he could help more at nights. I never pumped with her because of the "spoilage" issue from baby #2.
Then with baby #3 everything is PERFECT! Nursing couldn't be easier! And I learned that I no longer have a milk spoilage issue!
For you, I think having a supportive pediatrician is key. Also if you have ANY issues or questions it would be worthwhile to see a lactation consultant. Our hospital not only has one come to the room right after you deliver, but there's also a free support group that meets at the hospital once a week...it's moms, babies and a lactation consultant to ask questions of.
Also, as you know, hydration and destressing are key!
I agree that with a newborn frequently, regular full feedings will really help your supply to come in. I think the single biggest illusion is that breastfeeding is easy - it can be - but in those first few weeks, it hurts, your sore, your nipples are screaming at you, there's all the swelling, lumps, etc. I don't know if your son didn't latch properly, but the "pain" part lasted about a month for me with babies #2 and #3. I think part of it was supply coming in, and then adjusting to the baby's needs. I will say tho that it is MUCH easier this time. I'm not sure if it's me, the baby or what. But IT can be much easier the next time around.