Have you considered that this may be due to spasms in the milk ducts, the vessels, or deep in specific muscles? A slight inflammatory processes can occur without any other obvious sign. This happens to all of us at one time or another. If your doctor is not concerned at this point, just consider this benign, it should go away.
I would try a hot water bottle or a low set heating pad over the breast area after feeding...if you have the time to do that. Try to relax, tune into that area by focusing on letting the muscles in your body relax, imagining that area in particular relaxing and healing.
You may not be aware of "life" stresses, as you say that you feel happy at home with your baby. But caring for a baby is stressful. It just is.
Plus, having an unexplained pain can be anxiety producing; it makes us feel vulnerable. And that scary feeling can make the pain worse. So, if you can just go into the pain, acknowledge it, don't let it scare you, don't fight it, it will get better. The body is remarkably resilient; it knows what it is doing.
Please, however, continue to get as much rest as you can and eat well, for the both of you. OK?
Chris RN