I have posted several times about my experience with getting my daughter to take a bottle. I will tell you up front it was not easy. She was about 3 months old and did not have a choice as I was returning to work and Daddy was going to feed her pumped milk.
My first three days were hellish. I was putting in shortened work days because I was running home to end her "strikes" which were lasting over 6 hours. On the third day, Hubby took her to the doctor to confirm that there was nothing physically wrong with her. The doctor confirmed she was healthy and should have been able to drink from a bottle.
We were told not to indulged her "nonesense" and this has been the best advice ever.
We were told not to BF for the next 5 days (of course, this meant I had to pump at all the "normal" feeding times). She went 14 hours before taking her frst sip of pumped milk from a bottle. We had to take turns both trying to get her to take the bottle as well as leaving for a bit as the screaming was aweful and like nothing we had experienced up to that point. During the evening, the first sip was less than an ounce and she passed out in her crib - exhausted. Needless to say, she did not sleep long and was hungry very soon. We tried again with relatively the same success. It was a long process but eventually she started to take more and realized it was the same stuff. When I fed her, I wrapped her in Daddy's shirt or I wore one myself so I smelled less like me. It seemed to help.
Once she was taking the bottle like a champ, I had to keep her guessing when the breast was coming for the next week. After that we settled into a fairly happy routine, but this whole process took about 8 to 10 days.
IMO, you need to wait it out, but you HAVE to offer the bottle at the usual times.
I would advise using pumped milk. I think it gets more complicated if you add formula to the process. We did not use formula until about 9 or 10 months as that was when my milk started to wane since I was reducing the number of times I was pumping at work.
Do some tag teaming and get some extra support. I really wish my parents could have been there to help provides breaks during the screaming.
Good luck.
PS. With our second one, he was getting a bottle from Daddy after about 1 week of being home!!