I had the same problem with my first. I started producing mut not very much and my DD wasn't a very patient baby either. I just had my 2nd and since my body had already gone through the whole baby thing I produced more this time around. I dont know where you are delivering but I delivered at Harris SW and they have a breastfeeding support center in the hospital for whenever you need it and have lacation consultants that come and help you as often as you feel you need them also for free. They helped SOO much! It does take a little bit for your milk to fully come in - about 3-4 days so be patient and let her go to the breast often. She will be getting colostrum at this point so dont think shes not getting anything. As long as she is gulping and has wet and muddy diapers she is getting something. Sometimes my son was soooo hungry when he woke up he had a hard time consentrating enough to latch on. I had this problem with my daughter too and gave her a bottle and then breastfed but then she liked the bottle since it was easier and that was the end of that. I was worried the same thing would happened but the lactation consultant at Harris was a frickin genius! She gave me a few seringes (sp?) and some formula. She put just a seringe full in his mouth to where it calmed enough to focus on learning how to latch on and then by the time my milk fully came in he learned how to latch and HATES a bottle. He will take it if he is hungry enough but literally gripes the whole time lol. Here is also a cookie reciepe that really boosted my milk supply and tasted yummy! I used crasins instead of chocolate chips tho. TASTY! Good luck and just remember to be patient! I am glad my hubby didnt let me give up even when I felt like I wanted too. It is a challege to BF when you have 2 but it is soooo worth it for so many reasons! Good luck!
Housepoet's Famous Lactation Boosting Oatmeal, Chocolate Chip & Flaxseed cookies:
* 1 cup butter or marg
* 1 cup sugar
* 1 cup brown sugar
* 4 tablespoons water
* 2 tablespoons flaxseed meal*
* 2 large eggs
* 1 teaspoon vanilla
* 2 cups flour
* 1 teaspoon baking soda
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 3 cups oats, thick cut if you can get them
* 1 cup or more chocolate chips
* 2 tablespoons of brewers yeast* (be generous)
Preheat oven at 375 degrees F. Mix together 2 tablespoons of flaxseed meal and water, set aside for 3-5 minutes. Cream (beat well) margarine and sugar. Add eggs one at a time, mix well. Stir flaxseed mixture and add with vanilla to the margarine mix. Beat until blended. Sift together dry ingredients, except oats and chips. Add to margarine mixture. Stir in oats then chips. Scoop or drop onto baking sheet, preferably lined with parchment or silpat. The dough is a little crumbly, so it helps to use a scoop.
Bake 8-12 minutes, depending on size of cookies.
Serves: 6 dozen cookies
Preparation time: 15 minutes
*can be found at any local health food store.