Have you taken the baby to the doctor to confirm that he is really teething - he seems kind of young. Maybe there is something else going on that you don't know about.
I am having such a hard time here. He has two bottom teeth coming in. There is a diagram below. What remedies can I use on a 3 month old who is exclusively breastfed. I refuse to use formula, that is out. I just got over nipple confusion and off of a nipple shield, so no bottles.
What remedies can I use? I asked this question on Yahoo answers and got stupid stuff like give him a Popsicle. He can't eat those, he is too little. He won't take a frozen washcloth. Teething tablets and Orajel (degenerates the gums) are bad for him, so says the new parent support group, and I am at my wits end.
When feeding him, he latches on, feeds for ten min. or so, then pulls away to scream until I switch positions or breasts. This pattern continues for thirty min. until either A. I've had it. (He gets enough, don't worry) or B. He refuses to latch any position, either breast.
I've used Tylenol...infant Tylenol, but I simply can't shoot him up with drugs every four hours.
--.--.-- (The dots are the teeth)
~New Info~
I read a lot of your comments. I took him to the doctor because they wouldn't give me more tylenol and it is a prescription over here. They confirmed that he was teething. I know he is young, but it IS teething.
Next: The doctor, WIC, and new parent support group told me there was a brand new study that said that Orajel degenerates the gums if used more then three times a day, and it can also harden them and make it more difficult for the teeth to come out. The teething tablets can't be given to him right now, he is too young...
I think I covered everything. Please keep up the suggestions.
Thank you all for your wonderful advice...it was very helpful. Now, Jonah still fusses at the breast but I vary positions and breasts and I think I have figured it out:
When feeding at the very begginning the milk flows evenly and quickly. Then, after a certain point, he emptys what I had in reserve, thus making him actually work to get more out (Harder sucking.) This causes him pain because sucking hard hurts his teeth, so he pulls away and cries. I swith positions on that same breast. Then, when he starts fussing with that, I switch breasts and repeat the same steps.
Until he is finished teething this is going to have to work. He gets enough, based on his diapers, and he seems content afterwards. I know that when he fusses at both breasts, and all positions, he's done.
Thanks for all your help. He chews on my finger, and that is good enough. With all of your advice, my son has reverted to a happy baby once again. ^_^
Have you taken the baby to the doctor to confirm that he is really teething - he seems kind of young. Maybe there is something else going on that you don't know about.
Hi S.,
Are you close by a base where you are stationed in Germany? I am also in Germany and can buy Infant Tylenol at the PX, commissary and any Shopette...so even if Tylenol is "prescription" out on the economy, you can easily get it...if you live close by a base. I hope you do. I swear the stuff is straight from heaven!
You seem pretty determined about the Orajel...so I won't even go there. He's your baby...I totally get it! As far as the teething tablets go, I completely bypassed them with my first son because I thought "surely he is too young and will choke on those things", not realizing how quickly them dissolve in the saliva...I've used them with my second son and they also work wonders!
Best of luck to you...hang in there!
Hi S. - where are you in Germany? I'm a nurse at Landstuhl, also exclusively BF'ing my 9 month old son. Something that worked great for my son's teething pain is putting ice chips or frozen food (apples, peaches, carrots, anything really) in the fresh food feeder things - they have them at the px at ramstein/vogelweh - basically a little mesh bag so they can chew/suck on the food without getting any chunks/skin/etc to choke on. Since your baby is so young, maybe just the ice chips would help until he's old enough to try solid foods. Have you looked at the Kelly Mom website? I always find it helpful as well ... www.kellymom.com ... great BF stuff on there. I know it's frustrating, but keep up the good work!
In between nursing use the teething rings, that you keep in the fridge, or an old remedy from my grandmother: take some of the German dark bread, (sorry getting a bit digusting!!) chew it a bit, but it in a piece of cloth, tie that cloth and have him suck/chew on that! he gets the flavor of the bread, and it is still hard enough to chew on but he won't eat it... I did that with my DD but she didn't start teething until 10 months, and I was still nursing her, but also feeding her normal food!
I did use the Orajel as well with no problems, and I did have to use some tylenol as well... my Mother in Law suggested rubbing some whiskey on the gum, but I never did... not sure that hard liquor is so good for them, I'd rather use the meds then!
Other than that, as long as he gets enough, I wouldn't worry about that... but I would also pump and feed him that, he will know the difference, had to do that with my DD as well!
Hope this helps a bit!
A young teething baby can be very difficult. I am a mother of 3 and all of them got their first teeth at 4 months. I breastfed all of them for over a year too. All I can tell you about the pain, is it will get better. Everytime he bites down, take it away and tell him no. Then latch him on again. You may have to do this a lot in the beginning but they will catch on. Promise! And remember, the baby feels tention and knows when you are impatient. Try to relax when you nurse him. Try playing soft music and lying down on your side to nurse. This was one of my children's favorite positions. Skin to skin is always good for them too. Be patient. It will get better! Good luck.
My advice is try the bottle, pump and then give it to your son. My daughter never had an issue with nipple confusion. She was given a bottle at 2 months and still would nirse as well. I am not sure why you can not use baby orajel, works greatfor us and again my daughter is 8 months and doing well. Have you tried a pacifier or something else hecan hold onto and suck?
goodness, doesn't sound like much fun. I'm afraid I don't really have any advice. I've breastfed two children, the first for too many years and currently BF a 22month old. Never had this particular issue, but both mine didn't start teething until around 6 months old, if that makes a difference. The only time they something similar to this is when I wasn't making much milk and they would get mad (pull off and scream). Of course you would know if your milk was letting down or not. Well, it will pass, don't get too frustrated. Many blessings...J.
Are you sure they are teeth coming in that is causing the discomfort? 3 months is young for teeth...not impossible, but young. Have you considered that he could have reflux that is causing his pain? I have exclusively breastfed both of my kids and my son ( 2nd child) had the same symptoms you decribe...pain, arching at the breast and after feeding. After trying several homeopathic remedies and positional aids...he finally found relief with the aid of Zantac. I also don't like the idea of giving medication to my infant, but him tolerating pain was not acceptable either. I hope you find some relief!!!
You may want to consider homepathic chamomile. There are many homeopatic pharmacies in Germany and you could ask a pharmacist for their reccomendation. Good luck!!
I just saw that nobody answered you. Sorry that nobody had an advice for you. Neither would I have had one. Hope that you solved the problem but as you might have learned the past 2 moths that thing pass one way or the other and now you might be battling a new set of "problems." Your 3 month old is between 5 and 6 months now and is getting more teath if it indeed was a teething problem (3 months sounds so awfully early--mine had the first teeth around 8/9 month).
Anyhow, keep asking questions but always keep in mind that no child comes with an owners manual and even with 2 children both of them are different even if they are from one set of parents (talking here from experience here).
Good luck and when you look back often I ask myself and why did it seam such a big problem then? But when you are at it then it seems often like a mountain.
Hey one more thing: I have a sister who doesn't have any kids yet and she constantly tries to convice me that I have the time (as in free minutes availabel)of my life with 2 children and not working. Looking back (even though I thought I was ultra busy then) I had the most time when I as single and married with no kids even though I worked full time. And of course with one child one has more time than with 2. But you grow with each stage in life and therefore I think that before I had more time but I guess that was all I was capabale of doing then and meanwhile I grew, just like you will grow every day, as my sister will once she has children on her own.
Take care,
I would try rubbing a little brandy on his gums before he feeds. the brandy will numb the gums.. it worked on my twins when they were teething. just dip your finger into the brandy, he is not getting enough for the alcohol to get into his system. I was not sure about it when my mother suggested it and claimed that it worked on all her children. but i was desperate and would have tried anything. 2 crying hungry babies was not fun to deal with. good luck. let me know if you try it.
Your baby is obviously in pain which is why he pulls off screaming. The best advice is to try to find something to relieve his pain between feedings. Some things that worked for us was a teething ring in the refridgerator or filling a pacifier with water and freezing it, and then letting the baby suck/bite on it. If you squeeze the pacifier while holding it under water it should fill up. Also, someone else advised you to massage the gums. Something that my son likes is for me to put one of those baby toothbrushes on my finger and let him bite down on it. I rub it in circles on his gums and he kind of chews on my finger. My son's 10 months old now. He has 6 teeth and I am still breastfeeding. It's difficult at times but stick with it!
Orajel does not degenerate the gums. I wouldn't listen too much to the things like that that other mothers tell you. Find out for sure from a medical/dental professional. I'd try to use a combination of infant tylenol, orajel, and those teethers that are shaped in an "8" and can be frozen. Otherwise you may just have to nurse more frequently until they come in. You can always talk to your baby's doctor or ask of the post dentist.
Hi S.,
I know it can be so fustrating. Especially when you ask for help and get crazy advice. As a mom who breastfed all three of her kids, I learned you MUST do what works for you and your baby. All this nonsense that Teething tablets & baby Orajel degenerates the gums is ridiculous. I want to kiss the person that created the Tablets, it saved us tremendously. The most important things is finding what works so you and this baby can get some relief.
Every baby is different. The teething tablets are Homeopathic which have no side effects. I have purchased them for several friends babies and it has soooo helped the baby. I wish you the best. You are welcome to email me anytime if you have questions or just want to vent. I am at home also.
HI! My daughter started teething at 3 months, and everyone told me that there was no way she was teething yet because she was so young, and sure enough right at the 4 month mark....in came the teeth. Now, I have another 4 month old who just got his bottom teeth!(my third) I also exclusively breast feed, so I understand where you are coming from. Is he only crying while nursing??
If he is just fussing through the nursing, I would just unlatch him and try again later. My baby loves when I massage his gums. It also may not have anything to do with the teeth. He may still be frustrated with the nursing because it has just got established, and it is hard work for the little guys. He could also be gulping in some air and when you switch positions, he latches on better.
If he is always fussing and chewing his fingers, the only thing you can do(in my opinion) is comfort him, and give him tylonel when you are at your wits end! Remember....this to shall pass.
I exclusively breastfed and I used Hyland's teething tablets and a little Tylenol. Orajel didn't help. You have to do what need to do to get through. I also have never heard anything bad about the teething tablets. I'd give those a try. You can also let him chew on your finger. My son didn't want a wash cloth or teethers, either. That said, keep offering them because as he gets bigger he might start to like them, also, if he is frustrated and upset, he might not accept anything.
Try to get him to chew on something (whether it is a teether, frozen wash cloth, your finger ,etc) when he is not upset so he gets the idea that it feels good. He might be more open to taking it when he is in a lot of pain later.
I am curious as to why the support group told you not to use teething tablets. I had never heard that about Orajel-is that the same reason they gave for teething tablets?
My lifesaver was the teething tablets with my exclusively breastfed daughter (now 19 months old). The bottle says to rub them on the gums but I would just put 2 of them under her tongue. They dissolve very quickly & some of the medicine would find its way to her gums in her saliva. The rest of it would be swallowed & find its way into her bloodstream where it would act like any other painkiller, except for the fact that they are homeopathic, so it is not as dangerous to their little bodies.
I'm sorry I don't have any more advice for you. It will get better-hang in there!
I understand where you are coming from. My daughters hated anything icy cold also at that age. However, I did and do use Orajel on them. I did with my first, now almost 5, and am currently using it on my second, 8 months. I've never heard anything about it degenerating gum tissue.
Bless your heart! I have 4 kids and none got teeth that early! In fact my youngest is 16 months and she only has 2 teeth!! I know that babies that young can't really have anything for teething. Unfortunately it may be rough for a while. You may just have to bear with him, and you will probably both end up crying, but that's OK. Kudos to you for still being so determined to breastfeed. I nursed 3 out of 4 of my kids and it's not easy even when they're NOT teething. I have no idea if this is a good idea, or if it would work, but what if you could make your breast (where he nurses) cold right before he nurses?? I'm really sorry I don't have anything better! Let us know how all the advice turns out and hopefully you don't get any popsicle comments=) Good luck girl and try and keep your chin up...not the easiest thing to do...