Tiffany, I am also a mom to a non-sleeping son! Actually, make that a former non sleeper. At a year old, he STILL wasn't sleeping through the night. I knew in the beginning it was because of his reflux, but we had all that worked out, and we couldn't figure why he was waking and crying. We would have to pace the floors with him and pat him back to sleep, because he actually WOULDN'T CIO. I am not a fan of CIO either, but we tried it a few times- to no avail. Finally, one day I had a mental breakdown. My husband couldn't stay home one day to even let me get some sleep (he is military), and we are so far away from family, I didn't have anyone to help me out. I was exhausted after a year of this- screaming for hours, no sleep, no naps. I was ready to make my husband a vasectomy appointment! A fellow mom told me to do a "modified cio" method. When we put him to bed (he wouldn't go to sleep on his own, which I think was a major problem), we both hugged him, put him in bed with his blankey and Beebo (his bear), and said "mommy and daddy love you, and we are right next door in our bedroom. We'll be back to check on you in 5 mins", and then kissed him and left. He cried, but he didn't scream like he used to. In 5 mins, I went back in, repeated this (without picking him up, even though he was holding his arms up. I just patted his back, kissed his head kind of thing), and this time extended the time to 6 mins. And I always went back in as promised (earlier if he sounded like he really was nervous, but he did fine!). The first night he only cried maybe 20 mins and went to sleep. He woke up during the night, but I just patted his back, kissed him and told him I loved him and I was next door if he needed me. The next night, we did it all over again, and he cried about 10 mins, and didn't wake up once! I had to check on him at 5 am when I woke up, surprised he hadn't woken up. I was scared to death! But, after 3 nights of that routine, he started going to sleep on his own, and not waking during the night. He has only woken up a couple of times since then (2 months ago) and cried, and it's always because of his teeth. It is BLISS. I just couldn't stand the CIO method where you aren't supposed to touch them or check on them- which so many moms said worked for their children. Now, he naps between 2-3 hours daily (just one nap), and is sleeping 11-12 hours at night. It is pure heaven.
This is the only thing that worked for us, and we tried EVERYTHING the pediatrician recommended. I think with the digestive issues he had earlier in life that he just got used to waking up, and we didn't ever let him CIO because it made his reflux worse. So, I hope things get better for you, because I know it is wearing on your nerves and sanity!
OH- as an aside, we use a fan for white noise (a loud one), a nightlight that provides very dim light (but other than that his room is very dark), and he has the rainforest music maker in his crib that plays music for 20 mins. It's always enough to put him to sleep, and occasionally if he wakes up at night, I hear him turning it back on and he goes right back down.
He is a TOTALLY different baby now that he is sleeping well.