"I plan on consulting my doctor and my daughters pediatrician, but would like to hear your feedback." Ack - if you do this, I doubt you'll get the most up-to-date or accurate information. Go ahead and ask them, but for me? I'd be horribly skeptical of their answers (neither peds nor OBs receive ANY breastfeeding training during their med school, residency, or specialty training - that tells you just how little they know).
I think it's great that you're asking the REAL experts on breastfeeding while pregnant: the moms who have done it. I think you should follow your instincts - if you want to cut back on her nursing, go for it. If you're not ready to wean her, honor that. You can do both - continue to nurse her, and nurse her fewer than 4 times a day. :)
Have you seen the Breastfeeding sections of the Mothering.com/discussions forums? Just a few sample threads:
Best of luck - and huge congrats on nursing past 1 yr AND on yhour new pregnancy!!!! Wonderful!