Good for you for seeking a VBAC! I know some moms who have had success with the techniques describes at www.spinningbabies.com. (I think, perhaps it's .org or .net) You've still got some time. Best wishes!
You moms have always had good suggestions so here we are again!
I went for my 36 week appointment and found out that my baby is presenting breech (for the moment...2 weeks ago he was head down, so doesn't mean he won't flip again on his own...he is not engaged in my pelvis yet and has LOTS of fluid around him, so that's not an issue), but I wanted to know if there were any suggestions that other breech moms have heard about or tried to get the baby to flip "naturally". I have another u/s scheduled for next week to see his presentation and to start making medical decisions (BTW, I am attempting a VBAC, so head down is a "must"!) but wanted to see what you moms could suggest to try until then!
Thank you for all the suggestions! For the week, I listened to some hypnobirthing relaxtions, pictured the baby turning, stared at "upside down baby pictures", held music down at the bottom of my abdomen, sat with a flashlight down there and on Wednesday, my doula came over and he was still switching from tranverse to very frank breech so that night my hubby, as a joke, said "being kind isn't working" and told him "Mace, you get head down" and "spanked" his butt...nevertheless, I went in on Thursday with less than great expectations...and low and behold, he was HEAD DOWN! Not sure if it was my hubby's method, but yay! I just went for my 38 week appointment and he is still down with a lot less room to flip and he is much lower than before! So 2 weeks or less to go now of waiting! Thank you for all your support!
Good for you for seeking a VBAC! I know some moms who have had success with the techniques describes at www.spinningbabies.com. (I think, perhaps it's .org or .net) You've still got some time. Best wishes!
I don't have any suggestions for you as far as the breech situation. I just wanted to wish you luck on your VBAC. I successfully delivered my daughter VBAC 2 yrs ago and it was such a wonderful empowering experience compared to the emergency c section with my first baby. Hopefully your baby will be able to turn on his own so you can at least attempt the VBAC. Congratulations and good luck!
Hi S., I am a mom of 7 children. Six of them were born in breech position and seemed to be the norm for me. I can remember the doctor trying to turn one of the babies while in the doctor office and by the time I got into the car to go home, the child had turned back around. I'm not sure what VBAC means but as long as the child is in a frank breech postion, you can give birth just as easily as if the head were down. Breech babies have the most perfect shaped heads you have ever seen; perfectly round. Your doctor will know what is best for you and will advise you correctly. Good luck.
I had two babies VBAC and I know how important it is for you to try for it. My first one was frank breach (butt first) and that is why they had to do the c-section. So with the next two I did a couple of things to encourage head down positions.
1. Talk to your son. Tell him what you need him to do and tell him why. I really believe they understand our voices.
2. Try putting a bag of ice on his head. sometimes the cold will get them to turn.
3. get in contact with a hypnobirth teacher in the area. You don't have to do the entire class but they have a really good script for breach babies.
4. and if that doesn't work look for a chiropractor in the area. There are a few that know techniques for turning babies.
Good luck with your birth and you new little guy. I know you can do it and if you need any help message me...I would be happy to give you any assistance that I can.
I was in tears when my doc told me the same thing. I too was attempting a VBAC & I was so crushed that there was a chance I might have to do a repeat c-section (w/hubby deployed a c-section presented its own set of problems). I think I was 34 or 35 weeks though. My lil one thankfully flipped himself at week 39 (he was a 42 week kiddo). I'm not sure how you can flip him, but I hope this gives you hope that he can flip on his own. I hope it works out for you too-my VBAC was such a success that I apparently asked to get up & walk before I had delivered the placenta.
My baby has been breech since 28 weeks (I'm at 39 weeks now), but I also have low amniotic fluid, which might be keeping it from turning easily. It sounds like you have time and adequate fluid on your side. I have tried a lot of things, most of which I have heard usually work.
The first and easiest is lying in the breech tilt. You lie on your back and prop your hips 12-18 inches above your head using firm pillows. Make sure your lower back and knees are also supported. You can also prop an ironing board on a chair or on pillows and lie on it for the same effect. Do this for 10-15 minutes a few times a day.
Also try acupuncture. They have done studies that have shown that it is as effective as external versions. The acupuncturist that I saw used needles and moxa in the office and then I used moxa at home. Moxa is mugwort that looks like a stick of charcoal. You burn it and hold it close to certain points on your little toes. Do this one or more times a day. I used the Olde Town Arvada Acupuncture clinic, which is sliding scale fee. I recommend Lisa Lowe.
Chiropractic is also good...specifically the Webster technique. I don't know where you are located, but if you are in or near Denver I would recommend Dr. Lisa Goodman in Wash Park. She offers a package where you pay for six sessions and then can come unlimited times for the rest of your pregnancy. She will see you daily or even more often if needed to keep everything aligned correctly.
I also tried a bunch of random techniques...summersaults and headstands in a pool, playing music where I wanted the baby's head to be, a bag of frozen peas where the head currently is. I also saw an osteopath for cranial osteopathy adjustments. It is an very gentle technique and they said it has been effective in all but two patients they have treated, and in those cases there was some physical reason why the baby couldn't move. The people I saw were at the Boulder Osteopathic Center (www.boulderdo.com) There is a list of 17 things you can do online. You can google it to find it.
Good luck!
I too have had some experiences with breech babies and c-sections and VBACs. I see that you already have a ton of great advice, but thought that I would give you a couple of other tips that haven't been mentioned. My first was breech and we had her turned manually but ended with a c-section because of other complications. But the rest of my children have been successful VBACs with a couple being breech until the last minute. I would recommend pushing gently on the baby's head (if you know where it is) and pushing down towards where you want it to be.....this worked for one of my babies. I don't have any other advise other than to relax and take it one day at a time. If you are really stressing over this, it isn't good for you or the baby. A VBAC is possible and a wonderful experience, but if it isn't medically possible, then know that you did your best. Good luck.
J.--SAHM of 6
hi, I skimmed your responses and didn't see swimming- that was what I was going to try but she flipped on her own when she was ready. good luck!
hey, I have heard and seen amazing results with, believe it or not, chiropractic. I don't know if you have much experience with it, but it really can work. There is a specific technique they can do called the Webster Technique. you can call around to find one that will do it. It would not hurt the baby in the least, and is WAY more comfortable for you than having an MD try to manually turn the baby from the outside.
good luck!
T. M
The chiropractic technique you want to find is called Webster technique. Find someone certified in it. The swimming someone refferred to I have also heard but what I have heard is to try to go upside down in the pool...more comfortable than on land. Try a handstand or something. I know it seems awkward but I have heard it works. Same with the accupuncture. Good luck.
It has been said already, but I'll re-state the suggestion to look at the spinning babies website: http://www.spinningbabies.com/
And congrats on you're courageous decision to pursue a VBAC! With lots of support and enouragement, I had a successful VBAC last year. I also used positive affirmations from Hypnobabies and I know there are some related to turning breech babies available.
I feel so strongly that we need to have many more informed and prepared women out there making this hard, courageous choice! Otherwise, we're going to lose that choice. You should be proud of your decision and I wish you a beautiful birthing experience, however your little one decides to arrive in the world!!!
1. Moxibustion (google it) but you'll have to find some moxasticks which shouldn't be hard. Contact me if you are having trouble.
2. Hips up on the wall, head on the floor
3. Head on floor knees on couch
4. Chiropractic, but you'll have to find one comfortable with the technique.
5. Acupuncture
6. Swimming. Yes, swimming!
7. I dunno if they'll do it for a VBAC but I tried an external version too.
I don't have any suggestions, really... (you could google it, I am sure?!). Just wanted to tell you that my son was breech on and off from about 30 weeks to the very end, they did an ultrasound as I went into labor to check, and he had turned himself around. My midwives said most do??? Hopefully that just eases your mind a little bit!!
Hi S., I don't know if you practice or have had any exposure to yoga but the cat cow position is wonderful to get them into the right positions. Cat cow is low energy, easy to get into when very pregnant and will help your back as well as getting this little one in the right position. Let me know if you need help or advice or explanation with the pose. I did this one a lot while I was pregnant. Good luck!
S., i was worried about this but my baby turned at 37 weeks. There are a lot of great websites with helpful suggestions. You can also try Moxibustion, it is done by an acupuncturist and some times a chiropractor. One thing to remember is to stay relaxed, take your 20th month old swimming, and talk to the baby and tell him to turn. Good luck, I hope your VBAC goes well, but remember regardless you will have a wonderful new baby! Now, I see this is a bit redundant, but good luck!
Two of my babies were in breech presentation up until a week before delivery, and both were vaginal deliveries of babies over 10 pounds. Big encouragement to know even biggies can flip at the last minute! With the first, I spent several days, about 30 minutes at a time several times a day, laying kind of on my back but with my pelvis tilted really high (picture laying on an ironing board). I remember when he rotated--wow--it was really amazing. I went in to the doctor's with my other breech presentation because the tilting wasn't working. He tried a manual, external rotation, where they monitor the baby's heart and try to encourage flipping by pushing on the belly. It didn't work, but the baby flipped before delivery anyway. Sounds like your baby has lots of room and time to "commit" to birth. :)
My baby was not breech, but she did have the cord wrapped around her neck. My OB had me get on my hands and knees and just let the baby "hang" for as long as I could as often as I could. She unwound herself from the cord. I had a friend however who's baby WAS breech. She did this for one week and when she went back the baby had turned. Good luck to you.
Chiropractic is what I did too! My daughter was breech and she actually turned around after going to get treatments 3 times a week for 4 weeks. I loved it! This pregnancy I went to see one since day one and now at 35 weeks my baby is already head down and ready to go (-:
My chiropracter told me that in my first pregnancy, my body wasn't alligned well enough for the baby to be head down or it wasn't comfortable in that position. All they do is allign your body so you and the baby can do the work and heal yourself. I also had a fast delivery after all those treatments.
Good luck!