I know they're tired of sandwiches, but try buying hoagie rolls instead. That's the ONLY way I can get my fiance to eat a sandwich when we're brown bagging it. Despite the climate, it's cheaper to buy cooler-style lunchboxes and throw some freezer packs in there, this way you can keep perishables good until lunchtime. I always pack some kind of sandwich (or cold pizza, my 7 and 5 year olds LOVE that), carrot chips, yogurt, applesauce, sometimes chips or popcorn. It's always sandwich-something healthy-something fun. I also pack string cheese, clementine oranges, or fruit snacks, pretzels, etc. I bought them their own sandwich carriers (cuts down on your plastic baggie use) and they bring home the little containers; I wash and reuse plastic spoons (why not?). They have reusable water bottles, and that's what they get every day- WATER. It's free ;)