As one who has had C difficile I can empathsize with your concerns. Patients with C difficile are often hospitalized due to the severity of the symptoms and risks associated with it.
From my limited knowledge of C difficile, your physician has opted for an appropriate course of treatment ( Metronidazole followed by Vancomycin antimicrobial therapies). Mild C difficile can progress quickly to moderate (fever, profuse diahrea, abdominal pain) or severe manifestations (colitis, sepsis, electrolyte imbalance, etc.) - she should be closely monitored.
I believe a visit to a gastroenterologist is a good course to follow as she has not responded well to the presesnt course. I am concerned as to the length of time she has undergone treatment - possibly she should have been referred sooner??
Do not hesitate to allow her to be hospitalized though I understand the fears parents may have with the hospitalization of a small child. C difficile is not to be addressed lightly so I encourage you to act despite your potential fears. You are her strongest advocate and you are doing your job as evidenced by your willingness to seek support and guidance. I wish you well and will pray for your daughter's recovery.
About Me: Christian, married, 49 year old parent of 21 and 20 year old college students; former health care professional.