Condolences to you and your family. I know you feel really hurt, but keep in mind, people are doing their best during these very emotional times.
I agree, an actual phone call is what is needed at this point. I can understand if you all knew she was going to pass at any moment and you needed to tell a lot of people at the moment, I would MAYBE text, but I would explain that I was not able to call at the moment, and would call ASAP. I certainly would have called you if you were my sister.
When my grandmother died, it was only me, our daughter and my step mom there. The rest of the family was completely exhausted from holding a vigil in her Hospice room for days. One of her sisters even slept in the room for over a week! She had not left the facility, except to step out on the patio. We had encouraged all of the old aunts and their children and my uncle , my father and his wife to go out to dinner.
Once they were all gone, I told my grandmother 9who was not conscious) , "not to worry, she could go." "She did not have to protect anyone anymore, we wanted her to go on and be with her baby( she had lost him when he was 3) and her mother and father."
About 40 minutes after they had left, I noticed my grandmother was taking her last breaths. we held her hand and told her we loved her and that we would miss her and never forget her.
I think she had been waiting to be able to go without upsetting all of her sisters and her sons.
We then started calling all of them to let them know, we told them to finish dinner and not rush back, because we were going to try to find a priest to hold a rosary in the room for all of them.
To some of the close and distant relatives, I did send some text, to let them know she had died and I would call them back. Or they could join us for the rosary in an hour. There were 3 of us all calling and texting, but we had to send text to some people.