I stay away from support groups, I know that sounds awful but they bring me down.
I apparently take a different path when it comes to my kids. Sitting in a group telling me I should be more a victim makes me want to go postal.
Andy's doctor always leaves the NOS off because all it is is a catch all. Okay his full telling is basically PDD NOS is the basket kids are thrown in where they do not fit the markers for Aspergers or full out Autism but they just aren't normal enough to be considered on the ADD side of the spectrum.
Maybe this is easier for me because all of my family is on the spectrum. The only difference between Andy and I is we think alike but I usually have the sense not to articulate what I am thinking.
Feel free to message me I will tell you what I know. Andy is 12 and I wouldn't call him normal but if you use the rest of the family as the unit of measure he is close. :)