I know how you feel i had to rack my brain to remeber how i potty trained my boys and my youngest is only 5 it all goes by so fast. but anyways, with my oldest i let him go and pick out a potty and then it became his new favorite toy. it hadn't been used at this point so it was his chair in the living room a place to store his toy cars and everything else his little mind could come up with untill one day after a bath he took off without his jammies which was the norm and decided to use the potty, which was still in my living room but at least he dumped out his cars. LoL. after that it was easy anytime i let him run around without a diaper he would go in the potty rather than on my floor, even though he refused to let me move the potty to the bathroom. once a few weeks had passed we started a sticker chart and prizes for everytime he went and it was really easy from there on out. just be positive accidents ahppen and if you scold they will jsut learn to hate the potty and it'll take even longer, something else i found i used the training pants not pullups yes they are messier and yes you might end up with a wet floor or worse a wet couch but then they know they are wet and it is very different than being in a diaper. good luck and dopn't rush it i guess most of my point is that nomatter how stragne it may seem let him do it his way and it'll happen.