** Edit: I have used: Xopenex, Ventolin, Albuterol, and Proventil.
Some, will make the heart race faster or 'might' make the person a bit hyper.
Each person is different. None of the inhalers, have affected me much as far as side effects.
My Mom however, did not like Xopenex... it didn't help her too much and it make her edgy. But not for me. And I like the Xopenex.
The thing is, any medication will have side effects, but per Asthma.... you cannot withhold medication/inhalers... because the other option is that the person will simply asphyxiate. The side effects of the inhalers, are thus, marginal.
I have Asthma.
Have had it since I was a child.
What does Asthma feel like?
Well... imagine suffocating. Or, when you smoosh your face into a pillow... and then try to breathe and take a deep breath.
THAT, is what Asthma feels like.
It is, like suffocating.
Asthma... means that the airways are inflamed/constricted... and thus, one cannot breathe or breathe deeply etc.
So then, it can also mean that the bloodstream is not getting enough oxygen either. And one that happens, it is a really dire situation or the person needs to be in a hospital. Without oxygenated blood, the person can really, suffocate. They will turn blue.
There are MANY different types of inhalers.
THUS, YES... see a Pulmonologist.
AND, get another inhaler, if this one is NOT working.
Also, being that he has Asthma... he should be carrying the inhaler on him or have it at school etc. It should ALWAYS... be kept near or on, the person.
Asthma attacks... can come on at ANY time. And it has NO, hint as to when it will arise.
I get activity induced Asthma too. Then sometimes I don't. Other times I do. Other times other things affects and triggers my Asthma.
It is, capricious and unpredictable.
Even with, an inhaler.