The end of June isn't THAT far away. If you can start packing things up now, why wait? You can mark all of the boxes clearly, and if you have a need for something come up unexpectedly, always go and get it out, but realisticly, we all have things in our homes that we don't use for weeks, months, and sometimes, even years. LOL! (in my case, years and YEARS) I would use this time to weed through things, decide if there are things that you no longer need or want, donate them, give them away, or have a huge yard sale to help pay for any packing supplies, etc. Maybe you could even make enough money from your yard sale to purchase some new decorating items for the house you just bought? It's always fun to move into a new place and put your own personal "touch" on the place. I say start weeding through, pack up as you go, and clean the rooms that you get sorted and emptied too. You can NEVER have enough time to get prepared for a move, and who wants to spend the last week before a move packing up the old house? If you plan this just right, you may actually have time to spend some quality time with friends and family before you make the move, or have a fun moving party before you go. I once got everything packed up very early and only had what we needed for the last 2 weeks out. (basically the contents of 3 suitcases and 2 totes from the kitchen) It was before kids, so no toys or kids clothing. We had so much "free time the week prior to our move, and we were moving across the country, so I planned a big moving party. I had about 15 close friends and family over to our very empty and very clean house to hang out and we ate BBQ outside since we had packed everything else up. We had a bonfire outside in our backyard. It was so fun. I loved the time with friends, and there was no mess afterward. We used all throw away plates and cups, and the only stuff that needed to be cleaned like BBQ utensils were brought by one of the friends. The grill was not packed yet since there was no real way to pack it other than load it in the truck, and we wanted the tank empty anyway. I got a bunch of great photos. Everyone brought folding chairs to sit in. I say pack as much as you can and try to enjoy some time before you move in to the new place. You will have SO much to do when you get into the new house! Just be sure to mark all of your boxes and bags very well. I marked all of mine with the contents and the room. It made it easier for them to end up in the correct room, and for me to unpack them once they were in the rooms they were supposed to be in. I used masking tape to mark the bags. Good luck! :)