I don't understand, why would you ask here if you have already gotten solid, professional medical advice? That doesn't make any sense.
Currently 7 weeks and and a couple days pregnant. Suffering from really bad, bad allergies. I used to take Allegra-D. Once I find out I was pregnant, I've been trying not to take anything. However, when I get really bad allergies, most of the time I develop a sinus infection. Would anyone know if I can take both in one day? Thank you.
Appreciate everyone's response. I guess I didn't clarify that I did call the OB's office and spoke with a pharmacist before posting this question. Although, they're healthcare professionals, I thought I'd ask if anyone has taken these together during their pregnancy.
Thanks again.
I don't understand, why would you ask here if you have already gotten solid, professional medical advice? That doesn't make any sense.
I cannot stress enough - talk to your OB. Pregnant women process medications differently than non-pregnant women, so standard advice about doses and timing doesn't apply during pregnancy. I have very bad allergies too, and my OB gave me very good advice on how to handle them while pregnant and then, postpartum, what to do while breastfeeding. There are allergy medications that are safe to take while pregnant, and your OB can advise you on this. (I don't want to tell you what my OB said, because I was pregnant 7 and 11 years ago, and my information might be outdated). Even if you haven't had your first appointment yet, call your OBs office and ask.
I would not take anything unless my Dr and pharmacist approved it.
It's not worth the risk. I'd put up with sinus and drainage before risking my child's health.
Get an air purifier, use a nasal rinse, after you talk to your Dr of course!
What does your doctor/ob say?
We aren't doctors and can't advise you on this. As a general rule of thumb, it's probably not a good idea to not mix drugs like this, but ask your doctor. That's what they are here for.
Call your doctor or a pharmacist. God forbid one of us gives you false information and your baby suffers. What's so hard about picking up the phone and making a phone call?
Please call your doctor and ask. If you don't have a doctor go to your local pharmacy and ask, do NOT take medical advice from the internet, especially while pregnant :-(
What you do or don't do can determine whether or not your baby is healthy. Please make an appointment to see an ob/gyn. He will tell you what is good for you and the baby at the beginning of your pregnancy.
What does the bottle or Web page say about taking allergy meds?
Why are you taking two different meds? If your doctor didn't recommend it, how do you know that taking them is safe?Also there are now allergy meds that last 24 hours.
As a reminder per Mamapedia Guidelines:
Medical questions may be asked, HOWEVER, please know that the first and best source for the answers to all such questions will alway be an appropriate certified professional. Please always consult such a professional in these matters first and foremost. Simply put, Mamapedia does not offer medical advice to our members. Any medical advice you receive on the site is taken at your own risk.
I actually NEVER trust a doc about medications...they do a little research on them, they also use the tried and true things they've used for years.
BUT a pharmacist is like going to a specialist. They have gone to school for years studying ONLY medications and what they do to bodies and the side effects they have with different conditions such as pregnancy. They also know how drugs interact.
In my opinion you could do what the pharmacist says and take what the doc says into consideration in your final decision.
Sorry you're having allergies. I woke up yesterday morning barely breathing and sinuses that are clogged and yucky. Something bloomed during the evening before or in the early morning hours. My friend told me that Ragweed just started popping up.
I take Benadryl, half a dose at most. Why take a full dose when a half a dose does the job?
I would not only check with my OBGYN but I'd double check their response with a pharmacist to make sure I had correct information. Please don't go by what someone says on Mamapedia for this.
Talk to your pharmacist and OB.
ask your ob. mine wouldn't let me take anything until the 3rd trimester and then only a half dose of benadryl. but that was my ob and my pregnancy.
you are different. your dr will know if its safe.
A quick call to the nurse at your OB/GYN office will get you your answers. Feel better.
You also don't mention if it's a 24 hour pill or 12 hour. Antihistamines work differently for everyone. You have to gauge you own results. Just popping them at will (esp when pregnant) to see what does/doesn't work isn't a good idea. You need a schedule to see which works.
I know Allegra-D can pass to breast milk - not sure about pregnancy. You say you've consulted the professionals, so can't add to that. I would be concerned about possible drug interactions.
I know sometimes it's necessary to take medications during pregnancy - when I had to, my doctor told me what brand/type was safe.
My husband is a pharmacist. When I was pregnant and nursing he brought home a drug reference book that was about 6 inches thick. It had the most up-to-date info about what drugs were safe to take while pregnant and nursing. He looked up everything. It is a pharmacist's job to know what is safe. I've even heard my husband question doctors about what they have prescribed and had doctors change their minds about what (or how much) to prescribe.
My husband just got home so I asked him. He said probably not a good idea to take either one right now when you are still so early in your pregnancy. Definitely not both.
Have you thought about trying an air purifier? I've been looking at them and in the reviews people say their allergies aren't as bad since they started using one. I was planning on getting one this month but my washer decided to die on me so it will be awhile before I can get one.
welcome to mamapedia.
You asked your doctor AND a pharmacist and you still don't trust them? Well...okay.
Claritin D is a Class B drug for pregnancy.
there is no proven risk.
Zrytec D is a Class B drug for pregnancy.
There is no proven risk.
What did **I** do when I was pregnant and suffered from allergies? I used the nasal sinus rinse and made sure I took a shower before bed time to get the allergens out.
Would **I** take both in one day? NO. Not only NO but HECK NO. Not unless my OB/GYN and the pharmacist. That's a LOT of decongestant to take while pregnant. I would ask about Flonase since it is concentrated on your nasal area.
Good luck!
if your allergies are that bad that you need two decongestants during the day? I would ask my allergist about getting the shot.
In my opinion? that's just too much decongestant to have in your system, pregnant or not.
Use a neti pot to help clear out your sinuses.
Wear a mask if you have to.
Try benadryl.