Try mychoicefitfoods.com they are healty and tasty meals that are portioned correctly and pre-cooked. My husband and I are doing it now and loosing weight. Good Luck.
I have a 5 month old daughter and I have not been able to loose the weight I gained during my pregnancy. I was on bed rest for about 2 months and all I was able to do was eat and now I am paying for it. I also am a stay at home mom and watch a couple of my friends children so going to a gym is really hard. Does any one have any suggestions as to how I can loose the (extras) I have put on? I will take any advice!! THANKS
Try mychoicefitfoods.com they are healty and tasty meals that are portioned correctly and pre-cooked. My husband and I are doing it now and loosing weight. Good Luck.
I lost my baby weight by joining Turbo Jam. It is a wonderful workout video that helped me out. I did get tired of it after a while. I stuck to it though and now I am back to my old weight. The thing about Turbo jam is you have to stick to the schedule and work at it every day. Try going to the website and see if you are interested.
V. It sounds like you have gotten alot of good advice. I just wonted to say, your baby is only 5 months old, dont be so hard on your self. best of luck.~C
As a nutrition specialist I would suggest that you take a close look at what you are eating first. Are you eating what the children are eating? Are you finishing their left-overs? How often do you snack? Try to keep a log of what goes into your mouth everyday....count the calories and see how much you are really taking in. Simply take your current weight and multiply by 14..that will give you a rough estimate of how many calories your body takes in daily to keep you at your current weight. Subtract 300 and that's how many calories you need to begin taking in to safely lose a pound to a pound and a half per week. Do not forget to do some type of daily exercise! Walking, light jogging for at least 30-45 minutes a day. Don't forget to drink lots of WATER! Ask your husband to watch the kids and take some time for yourself...it's very important because if the mama ain't happy then no one is happy...Fene
I gave up sodas and stopped eating at night and it took away alot of the belly fat that I had. As I leave work around 6PM I'll make me a bagel and eat it on the way along with an apple or banana. Drink plenty of water!!
Hi V.! The healthiest way to lose weight (not the easiest) is diet and exercise. They say it's 80% diet so that's a good place to start. Keep your meals smaller and have nutricious snacks in between meals. Large meals will leave you feeling unmotivated. Switch all you carbohydrates to whole grain and when hungry go for fruits and vegetables instead of carbs. Anything dairy should be lowfat of fat free. If you have a sweet tooth, try sugar free cookies or ice cream but have only the serving size. Read all labels on foods to check calories, fat, carbs, sugar, and sodium.
I'm not sure how heavy you are but you may have a layer of fat over your muscle. You will need to do cardiovascular before toning the muscle to get some of the weight off first. I am a stay at home mom and have a 10 month old. I am back to the weight I was before but with a lot more muscle tone. Do you have cable? I use exercise videos on FitTv. If not, do you have a DVD or VCR. You can check out videos from the library or buy some at a thrift store. If you can get out and walk briskly though, that would be great. I would be willing to help you further if you would like. Let me know.
Try weight watchers. My sister-in-law lost all of her pregnancy weight in three to four months. I have been doing the counting your calories thing and it has worked for me, but I am now pregnant again so I have to stop doing it until I have had this child. Good Luck!!
I'm sure you've heard this already, but it did wonders for me. I was 110 before I got pregnant and then 155 the day I had my son. I went from a size 1/2 to a size 10, you could imagine how I felt. After I had my son, I imagined walking out of the hospital in a size 1/2 like everyone has told me. Ya right! WHen my son was 3 months I was still a size 9, I didn't understand why, I figured the swelling had gone down and the pounds should have FALLEN off :). I started walking/jogging with my son, him in his stroller everyday towards the evening about 1-2 miles a day. He loved being outside and it gave us a time killer during the day. I went from a size 8 to a size 2 in 2 months. Jogging/walking and pushing his stroller did my body wonders. THat's what I recommend, whenever I need to lose some "water weight" I'll walk 1-2 miles and shed a good 2-3 lbs.
I am 34 w/5 beautiful babies. I have gained 100# since baby #1. Its hard for some people to lose the "pouch". I dont have time to go to the gym. I have lost 50# so far by drinking green tea & I have dvds to exercise to. Its fun to do it @ home in your own time & pace. I have tried all sorts of diets & the green tea is what seems to be the best for me. Good luck I hope this will work for you too.
p.s. I am a big time junk food junkie (CHOCOLATE) try chewing exrta gum.
Hi V.,
Whatever you do, you (people) have to stick with it, even after we have reached our desired weight. What I am seeing people do these days is Nutrisystem. Check them out online, nutrisystem.com. They are all about portion size and low glycemic (very little or no rice, bread, pasta, and potatoes and cut way down on sugary items). I am seeing three people I know lose weight from it. One lady has lost 34 lbs, another lady 16 and another 7 1/2. I hope this helps.
First thing you need to do is decide to lose, and totally make the commitment. Then pick a plan and stay on it. Consume less calories than you need. Whether its lots of exercise or eating like a bird. I'm doing major portion control, measuring and weighing out food, writing everything I eat down, and trying to get exercise in. Good luck.
Calories in must be less than calories out to lose weight. The best way to do this is make sure you are making healthy choices in the food you eat and excercise. You don't have to go to a gym to excercise. Jut get outside and run around with the kids or every afternoon between lunch and nap bundle up the kids a take a walk around the block or take a walk after dinner with your husband and put the baby in a stroller. Running a mile, walking a mile or strolling a mile at a snail's pace all burn the same number calories it just takes a different amount to do it. There are also excercise you can do at home with your baby.I know there is a video or book out there that I have seen but I can't remember what it is called.
I never thought I would lose my baby weight. I took me 15 months from the time that I had my son, until I got down below my pre-pregnancy weight. I cut back my calorie intake, by buying smaller plates to eat off of. It looks like you have a lot more food than you really do on a smaller plate. They've done studies that proves that people put more food on a bigger plate than they do on a smaller plate, and believe that they are getting the same amount of food. Also, don't get discouraged if your not losing wieght fast. Dietians only recomend that you lose a pound a week, so those diets that say you can lose 5 or 10 pounds the first week can actually make you sick, and you can gain that weight and more back quicker, than if you do it slowly. Look at serving sizes too. Most people don't now that 1 slice of bread equals 1 searving on the food pyramid. The food pyramid says 6-11 servings of bread each day, and it sounds like a lot, but when you consider a sandwich counts as 2 servings of bread, you can see that the servings can add up very quickly. Plus, try to stop eating anything 2 or 3 hours before you go to bed, that way when you wake up in the morning you are hungry and you will eat breakfast, you can start to lose a lot of weight from eating a healthy breakfast.
Well, do you konw some that lives on base maybe you can go with them and go to the gym or you cna jion a gym that is how i am loseing my weight and you also can buy the AB louger and that dose really great on youer mid section. i have one.. I LOVE THE THING. but i have 2 kid and they are 3 and 1 yrs old (soon) if oyu dont know any on base try walking around the your neiborhood when your hubby comes home. if not please let me know ok.
My best advice is to buy the "Dr. Phil Ultimate Weight Loss Solution" from a bookstore, online or at Walmart. He has a very healthy life management program (it's not a diet because it is a permanent change) that is more effective than anything I have ever tried. The foods he suggests are also ideal for pregnant and nursing mothers, so you never have to drastically change your eating habits if you have more kids, just your quantity of food.
Best of luck,