My 3 year old daughter was diagnosed with Celiac in May. We've been gluten free (GF) ever since. It was a huge learning curve in the beginning but 6 months later, it's not so bad. If the test comes back positive it will be ok. I cried for a long time but now, we've gotten used to it and I can't believe how well our daughter is doing. She's like a new person! I've found all kinds of GF foods including ice cream cones and doughnuts. She never has to feel like she can't have something. It may be a little different but at least I can usually find a substitute.
Vitamin Cottage, Whole Foods, King Sooper, The Sunflower Market and Sprouts all have GF foods. It's just a matter of knowing what to look for. I bought a couple of GF cookbooks that helped. The Wheat-Free, Gluten Free cookbook for Kids and Busy Adults has been a favorite. We eat most of the same foods we ate before, they are just altered now.
If your child does come back postive I would be happy to share our favorite brands, recipes with you. It's alot in the beginning and you don't have to do it alone. Denver has a CSA Chapter(Celiac and Sprue Association). They have a kids group.
I saw the first person to respond commented on not doing the biopsy. We did it and it was hard but I'm glad we did. Our daughters blood test came back very positive, so at first we didnt really see a need for the biopsy. But Celiac is a life long disease. We wanted to know for sure. Going off gluten can help other issues, so sometimes you can mask the problem and won't know unless you get the biopsy.
Hope this helps. Feel free to write back if you have any other questions. Good luck and really it will be ok!