My daughter had tubes put in her ears at 18 months, (she is now almost 4 years old) and did not experience any behavior problems after the surgery. Her tubes did get clogged with her first cold however, and the doctor gave us some drops to use whenever she caught future colds. Have you had time home with your child other than for the surgery? A weeks vacation perhaps? Did he have trouble readjusting to being left at daycare after having time home with you any other time? It sounds like he is having some separation anxiety with being left at daycare, and probably has nothing to do with the surgery itself. I worked in daycare for 9 years before I had my first child. Does the daycare have cameras where you can observe your son? As a parent, I would want to see for myself the way his crying fits are being handled. I know it's hard. My daughter never adjusted to daycare, and after trying to go back to work I gave up after 7 months and pulled her out. I've been home with her and now my second child ever since. If you are dealing with a decent daycare, your child's teacher and the director should take the time to sit down with you and work out a way to get your child back into the routine of things. It may take some extra attention, allowing a reward phone call from you in the middle of the day, or carrying around a security item in class for a while. Either way, they should be making some recommendations and working with you to try and sort out what the problem is. If not, I'd question what's going on there during the day. Good luck and I hope that helps. Hope your liitle guy is happy again soon.