Hi There,
I had experienced this situation twice. Firts my first son, who was really sensitive to the formulas was put on nutramigen and the change on his colics and fussines after starting him on it was inmediate, amazing, and it is because is predigested formula so their little tommies don't have to stress so much and is easier to digest.Yes it is expensive AND stinks, but you could give him the nutramigen for a couple of month as his digestve system matures and then you can transition to something else.
Now hear me out here, my second experience was with my twins, they had GERD and they were put on Zantac and their GI told us that zantac was actually faster than prevacid which takes about 3 days to get in their system to start working, which I proved to be true, THEN I asked him about the formulas, I said, based in our experience with our first son and how great (but expensive) Nutramigen is, Do we have to just take it and buy that for them? I mentioned to him Good Start from Nestle, which is ALSO predigested proteins. AND he said,- actually is what I would recomend for the same reasons, is predigested and works perfect- I asked finally why this formula is never recomended by the Peds if works so well, the reason he said, is only because Enfamil and Similac Companies have contracts with the hospitals and doctores offices, so they recmomend their brand. I really appreciated his honesty, I wish morte people understood this.So we used Good Start with the twins and believe, me worked wonderful and is a lot less expensive.I also asked for soy milk because I was ready to try anything. He did say that the reason he wouldn't totaly recomended is that you don't know of possible allergies that early, so my twins were preemies and I didn't want take a chance. Thats not to say that it does work for some people. I am giving you my insite. This Gi is from Scottish Rite, Children Healhcare. One of my twins was born with cleft lip and palate so this condition to him was a lot more severe than to his brother and even his older brother( the one on Nutramigen), and that worked worderful with him, the Good Start formula and the zantac.
I hope this helps!!
If I can be of anymore help please feel free to contact me.