Most likely it's
- Acid Reflux
- A pulled muscle
- Gas (believe it or not, gas is the most common fake-out for a heart attack)
- A cracked rib
- The cartilage/tendons doing that weird loosening
But it could be:
- An inflamtion of the lining of the pleural space (either heart or more likely lungs), usually caused by a simple bacterial infection. A weeks worth of antibiotics and you're golden.
- Walking pneumonia
- Pregnancy inspired hypertention
- Dehydration
- Small heart attacks
- etc
- etc
Now, the first group is annoying, but not dangerous. The second group is d.a.n.g.e.r.o.u.s. I'm with you on the midwife/home birth. I had a midwife. BUT if you're avoiding taking care of your health and the health of your wee one, because you're afraid that you might NOT have anything wrong....um....does that make sense?
Women have been having their children at home for tens of thousands of years. We still do. But women have been dieing in childbirth for tens of thousands of years. We still do. And some of us get sick when we're pregnant. And some of us die when we're pregnant. Most docs do everything they can to avoid the label High Risk. It's nervy making. You're probably not. You probably don't even have anything serious going on. But what if you ARE high risk? What if you DO have something serious going on? Is it worth your life, or your babies to prove a point? Is it worth orphaning your children because you're afraid to go to the doctor?
Go see the doctor. It's probably nothing. So go make sure of that. You owe it to yourself.