i think whatever YOU like is good. as marda so wisely says, the baby really won't care.
but that's from us old ladies<G>. when i was a brand new mom that sort of baby psychology was hugely on my brain. so we painted my older boy's room bright, cheerful yellow. i loved it!
then i read, when he'd been in it for about 2 years, that bright yellow is an 'anxious' color and i was convinced i'd broken my baby. yet despite all of my horrible mismanaging, he's grown into a relaxed, laid back, groovy young man.
when the younger came along i didn't want to repeat my 'anxious' mistake, so painted his room in soft peach and aqua tones. and everyone rolled their eyes at me for using 'girl colors'. (the paint jobs occurred before the babies' births, and i adamantly refused to find out their sex in advance.) interestingly, he was a much more tightly-wound little fellow.
go figure. there's more to it than room color.
when we moved 'em in together i was so much more eddicated, and steamrolled over all their pleas for wackiness and went with bright white and primary color trim. it was like a delightful toy box. gads, what a good mother i was!
they both STILL torture me for that one.
when i finally gave up imposing my Will, the older went with black and orange walls, one with tiger stripes, and the younger had aqua with gold and silver fish hand painted on all the walls.
now i'm missing all those color schemes. when the boys moved out, my husband was thrilled to paint all the walls tasteful, grown up, appropriate colors. i think i need to sneak in and add a unicorn, or the solar system, or a tree from rivendell.
:) khairete