Once the child support is awarded it does unfortunately take some time to get it in motion. You have to register with the child support division and then once that is done they set up his payments schedule and it can take a few months. They are slow as molasses there. However if you have an attorney why hasn't he/she requested temporary support until the child support hearing? If your soon to be ex hasn't paid you anything to help can't your attorney point this out to the judge so the judge can make him give you some money until the child support kicks in. I am sure they can do this. Please be careful here though. I guess I am a worry wort however if you had to file a protective order against your husband, you did it for a reason. I assume he can get upset easily. With the way things are going today and people exploding over issues especially family issues, do push him over the edge if you feel he will do something. Just sit back and wait for the child support to kick in, however if you don't think he will do anything then by all means get the court to help you. Protective orders really do nothing unless you can call for help if he comes around and they can remove him. Good Luck to you. Things will get better for you and your children. I know it is a struggle but I had been there before and I looked back a year or so lately and wondered why I hadn't left him eariler than I did. Good Luck.