Childcare in the Hurst Euless Bedford Area

Updated on May 10, 2006
J. asks from Euless, TX
5 answers

I am a Grandmother looking for a private home to care for my Grand Daughter in the Hurst, Euless, Bedford area. She will be five months old when her Dad has to return to work (he had 12 weeks leave from his work to care for her when her mom returned to work) My preference would be a private home rather than a daycare. Any suggestions.

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answers from Dallas on

I know this is not an in-home care, but if you can't find one you like, I just placed my son at Bedford Christian Academy Montessori Pre-School. I've been very pleased with the care and the cleanliness of the facility. I looked at several places and I'm happy with my choice. I hope you find an in-home provider, but I thought I would pass this along if you can't find one that works.



answers from Dallas on

My daughter stayed with an individual in Bedford from birth to 18 months - until we moved out of that area. If you'd like to e-mail me, I can give you her name and phone number, and any details you may need.



answers from Dallas on

I am a SAHM of an 18 month old little girl and I live in Euless. I would love to help you out. I will be going to do things this summer, park, pool, story time, and would love some other little one for my daughter to share that with.



answers from Dallas on

I live in bedford, but will be moving to arlington in June and watch children from my home, I have a 1 yr old little girl who just loves to play, I dont charge crazy prices (I know how tight money is these days) I was a live in care giver to 2 children for about 3yrs and have been watching babys, and children for about 8 yrs. I have refrences available upon request. If you would like to speak with me, set up and interview or get some info to check me out feel free to call me at ###-###-####.




answers from Dallas on

The North Texas Childcare Association might be of assistance in finding childcare in HEB. You can contact them at or ###-###-####. Hope this helps. My childcare provider has an opening, however she lives in Keller.

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