My husband and I refuse to drill anything. Our daughter is 14 now but we do have 3 dogs that I limit in areas of the house.
We use a pressure mounted baby gate we got from Toys R Us. Also, Petco sells some gold gates that you can connect for a run outside but we use them in areas of the house as well. They fold kind of accordion like and fit in doorwarys, etc.
As for cabinets, I never proofed them. I had 1 cabinet in my kitchen that was "hers". She learned early on that this was her spot. It was filled with plastic bowls, spoons, usual noisemaker pots and pans things. This worked well for us.
On a couple of cabinets I needed her to stay our of, I used the plastic links (toys) to link them and she never messed with them.
I'm with your hubby...don't drill.