I happen to be a veterinarian that covers emergencies for a referral-based neurology specialty practice in SE Michigan. If your dog has not been seen by a board-certified veterinary neurologist, I would strongly recommend it. This type of problem is quite common and we have general-practice vets that refer pets to us from all over to be seen by one of the neurologists and help diagnose what the problem is exactly and the best way to treat it. We have an MRI scanner that is essentially in getting a detailed picture of the spine, vertebrae and discs. Depending on the case, some pets are treated with medication and some have surgery. We also have physical therapy/rehab services, both for our patients and for referrals from other practices. Not everyone wants to get that aggressive treatment-wise with their pet but many people are not aware of that option either. I would discuss this with your regular veterinarian, if you haven't already.