Hi P.,
Something that has worked in my home over the last year, has been popsicle sticks :O)
I wrote chores on the ends of popsicle sticks, like "baseboards", or "play with dog", or whatever is age appropriate. One day each week my boys need to pick 3 sticks from a cute little jar (they made me) to determine which chores they are to help with.
This has been fun because of the mystery of the whole thing.
My boys have also earned "tickets" in my home when they have personal accomplishments. Potty training, cleaning up their toys, whatever the accomplishments may be.... This past week my older son has been running late in the morning, so I rewarded him with a "ticket" yesterday morning when he finally jumped in the car on time! :O) Small rewards go A LONG WAY in my home. When they reach 30 tickets, they can pick out a new toy/game no more than $20. This usually takes about 3 months to accomplish, and it avoids ALL the little things they want from Walgreens or the Supermarket. I only have to say, "do you have enough tickets?".....
Anyway, I hope those ideas might work for you :O)
Happy Easter!
~N. :o)