Our couch is the same--light colored microsuede that we also had treated with the protectant when we bought it. They said that you can use just a soapy wet washcloth and try to remove stains yourself first. I have never had to call the company to come to my house to clean it because this works every time. I have used several soaps also, and every time the stain comes out (I was very nervous when my only option was the orange dish soap, but it gave me no trouble at all!). I have 4 kids and a messy husband, so my couch has seen it all...chocolate, markers, pen marks, baby drool, leaky diapers, spaghetti sauce, greasy fingerprints, mud, you name it. There is NOTHING that hasn't come out just wiping it with a warm soapy cloth. Sometimes I am wiping at the same spot for a few minutes, but it always works. Very well worth the investment of having it treated! I wouldn't recommend scrubbing at any given spot though. I've not tried it myself, but I'd be afraid that it would wear the fabric down and look horrible.