My DH was really hesitant about CDing, but I really wanted to do it. So I did a ton of research (I admit, I found it really overwhelming at first, bec. there are so many options!).
I do diaper laundry 2x per week, maybe occasionally 3 when he was small. I bought a lidded trash can with a step-open-lid, and sewed 2 washable/reusable liners from fleece I bought at JoAnn's (you can also buy them). We use prefolds and some fitteds and some all-in-ones (AIOs). DH uses the fitteds, with a cover, and the AIOs. I use the prefolds.
The must-have, though, has been the flushable diaper liners. When the baby poops, you just flip it into the toilet, liner and all, and it goes down, ta-da! Minimal handling of poop (that was what convinced DH to give it a go... he was utterly grossed out by the thought of scraping w/ a spatula or using a sprayer and spraying microscopic bits of poo around the bathroom! LOL).
Having a good fitting cover for the fitteds & prefolds is a must, imo, to minimize "blow-outs." We have mostly used the "seconds" covers from Prorap Diaper service, which cost $5.25 last time I bought some, a couple of months ago--way cheaper than other covers, and they are only listed as seconds because sometimes the velcro is the wrong color along one edge, or stuff like that; functionally they are fine!
I also used and to buy used diapers. That allowed me to try various brands, etc. and also not pay the "new" price (it kills me how expensive some of the AIOs are, some at $20 a pop!). You might also see if there is a "natural" baby store around your area--the one in our area has a twice-yearly swap where mamas can sell used diapers (I believe the store gets a small commission on sales, but it's still really worth it).
Some of the diaper manufacturers offer sales or discounts or carry used diapers, too. Kissaluvs is one that does, and I'm sure that there are others.
If you want to try CDing, but are scare of the laundry, you could see if there is a diaper service in your city/area. They drop off clean diapers & covers and a laundry bag, 2x per week I believe, and you set the diry diapers on the front porch them to pick up 2x a week (on the clean diaper drop off day). YMMV.
If you're doing diaper laundry, it's a really good idea to get soap that is good for cloth diapers--most brands you find in the store leave a lot of residual gunk on the diapers that you can see and over time it will stop the diaper from absorbing. We use Charlies Soap & fragrance free Biokleen; I've heard good things about Allens soap. Avoid the 'free & clear' soaps in the grocery store. If you can't find or don't want to order soap (we just switched all our laundry to Charlies, really, it's cheaper & you use so much less--1T per laundry load most of the time!), choose the cheapest powdered laundry soap you can--the cheapest ones will have the fewest fillers.