Wool covers are the most breathable.
You may also be interested in elimination communication: http://www.freewebs.com/freetoec/
EC will keep Baby dry!
I have a 6 week old daughter with very sensitive skin. I've determined that using a cloth diaper is working better at eliminating skin irritation, but she's prone to yeast infections right now and I would rather not use a plastic diaper cover. I'm researching different types of fitted cloth diapers and need a little "experience" input. What are the best brands of wraps and inserts to use? are the inserts also washable? Any help or information would be helpful since these diapers are a little pricey :)
Wool covers are the most breathable.
You may also be interested in elimination communication: http://www.freewebs.com/freetoec/
EC will keep Baby dry!
You are probably looking for a good all-in-one diaper so you don't deal with the plastic pants. There are so many choices out there. I have two huge boxes of all different kinds of cloth diapers and wraps and soakers here that I am no longer using. I had three in diapers for awhile. If you are interested in any of them or all of them let me know. I'll sell them all to you in bulk to get them out of my garage.... I have all sizes from tiny to big ones....
go to Mothering Magazine (www.mothering.com) ......you can find a zillion resources there for all kinds of infant and children's products....a few cloth diapers that come to mind are "fuzzy bunz" ......here's the exact Mothering website that takes you directly to several vendors of cloth diapers:
I use all-in-ones, but there are cloth covers available if you don't want to use all-in-ones. Several great websites have been suggested already. The only other one that I would suggest looking at is DiaperJunction.com. It's run by someone here in the Triad so you may be able to get hands-on assistance.
There are so many cloth options out there its all depends how much money you want to spend and what kind of system you wnat to use. I also use cloth on my almost 11 month son manly b/c there so cute but he has gotten spoined with cloth and disposables now make him break out really bad.
I use moslty prefolds and covers which is the cheapest system and very easy. But I also love pocket diapers.
Covers and prefolds~ the covers I use are called proraps and I use thirsties prefolds both work really well and i dont use pins at all and there is no rubber on the cover. Some covers are made of PUL which is fabric with a water proof lamination on it and its very breathable.
Pocket diapers~ these diapers you stuff with liners they are very east to use and the inner fabric is very soft I personally use bumgenious2.0 and there a one size fits all and i love them there are trim I think they mihgt be trimmer than some disposables. there are many kinds out there.
All in ones or AIO~ they are all together there just like disposables you just dont throw them away I never used them personally but I am thinking of getting a few to try out.
washing cloth is very easy and I hate doing laundry but I love washing diapers lol
I can send you a few links to how to care for cloth and there are a few great online stores that are the best I can send you the links for them too. just let me know just sned me a message. I love to talk about diapers so lol if you try cloth you will love it.
Babyfit.com is an online community that has a TON of CD'ing moms and message boards about CDing
Call 434-237-milk. This is the number to Best Start Parenting. There is a lactation consultant there and expert advice in the field of cloth diapering.
I think the site is thediaperpin.com where you can learn all about cding. It's really just a matter of preference. Hardly anyone uses plastic pants anymore. The options are PUL, fleece and wool. For most breathable, wool is your best bet. It's a bit pricey, but also doubles as pants. Has to be handwashed and lanolized, but you can go weeks without washing them unless it gets poop on it.
I do Fuzzi Bunz exclusively. It's a pocket diaper. Fleece inner wicks moisture away from skin. The outer is PUL. You can use various inserts. I've found that the inserts from cottonbabies.com work best for us. There are also two other well know pockets, Happy Heinies and Swaddlebees.
There are all sorts of fitteds. If you're looking at Kissaluvs, they're okay at first, but the bigger your baby gets and the more she pees, the less you'll like them. They just don't hold much. Your best bet on fitteds is to go with a well reputed WAHM. I personally liked Muttaqin baby when we were using fitteds. I've also heard good things about Susie's One Size (SOS diapers), ...And Such Is Life, Patchwork Pixies. There are a few more. Check out Hyenacart.com.
If you have any other questions, message me.
I use prowrap covers and bummi whisper wraps. I love them. I use prefolds inside of them, no pins. They work great and they are easy. I also use a wool cover at night with a prefold and a doubler. I like these covers because you can reuse them if they are not soiled. You have to use a different All-In-Ones each diaper change....seemed to pricy for us. I think that we have 8 covers and 30 prefolds and 4 doublers right now. Good luck to you. Also I am glad to see that the discussion board at Mothering.com was recommended. It is great place to hang around. A lot of helpful info on a wide range of topics.