My favorites were Fuzzi Bunz too. I liked the Bum Genuis when mine was older but he was really tiny so I couldn't use them until almost 6 months on him and even then they were pretty big. My second child was a lot larger and the BG fit a lot sooner. I have a bunch that I'm trying to sell still if you're intested in trying some used ones out first. Personally, that's what I wish I had done with mine because they are so expensive new and they don't stay new after one use :) I didn't really think of that option though but all mine are stain free and look brand new. I have sold quite a bit already (all my BG are gone) but I have massive amount of Fuzzi Bunz and prefolds (my prefolds were rarely used) and I have some covers too. I also have a word doc. that I created that explains the different types. I can send you that if you're interested and you can pass it on - I loved cloth diapering and really miss it!! Good luck with it and have fun! It's super easy and so good for baby's skin and the environment!