Bleach is ok on the inserts NOT the pockets, and make sure you rinse, rinse, rinse!!! Typically if you have a rash that comes back after you have cleared it up with disposables it means yeast... So the bleach will help.
I personally had issues with charlies, and switched to country save. Charlies left smells on my diapers, and my little one got a rash as well.
My daughter got teething rashes, and I made sure that we used a breathable diaper at night time. We use dry-bees night-time fleece pockets, with microfiber and hemp, but you can also use some prefolds with hemp or bamboo doublers, and a wool cover. The rash cleared up with the breathability. We also use grandma els diaper cream that IS cloth diaper safe, it creates a breathable layer, and helps clear up problems!!
Also when washing I always make sure I do a full cold wash (wash, rinse) a full hot wash (wash, cold rinse) and then an extra rinse it seemed to help a lot. If you have a front loader make sure you are rinsing more as they use less water!!
Hope this helps!!