I loved using cloth diapers. Yes they are a commitment in the washing. But so is being a good parent and keeping a schedule, so it's not that much harder. I liked fuzzibunz, but found them expensive, and you have to wash w/ each use, so you need more of them. So I only had a few of them. I mostly used bummies covers with prefolds. I like to cut a bit of polar fleece to cover use as a liner. Keeps baby rash free, and makes it easier to plop the poo into the toilet.
What ever you pick get a cover w/ gussets they help hold in the mess.
If you sew there not to hard to make, just buy a few different ones to test out what you like best.
Disposables take an average of 400 years to decompose in a landfill.
I'd suggest something not bleached, the bleaching process makes dioxin. And thats bad news for the reproductive system.
Good luck what ever you choose. A. H