Cloth Pads

Updated on September 29, 2012
E.M. asks from Louisville, KY
8 answers

this is one of the tmi questions but here we go...i have always used always pads since i was 13 now im 28 and the last 8 months or so i have been getting terrible rashes everytime. thought maybe it was just summer hot ect. i did some research and found cloth pads and i was just wondering if anyone had ever used them im scared they will leak or wont be long enough or move around... anyone have any experience with these? thanks!

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answers from Dallas on

I have the same problem- pads make me break out like crazy. I use cloth liners and a Diva Cup, and I don't have any problems with leakage or allergic rashes. I use the same detergent on my mama cloth as I do on the rest of my clothes- if it's good enough for my underwear, it's good enough for my pads.

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answers from Rochester on

I will be the first to respond who has and does actually use cloth pads. I have been using them for the past 4 years since having children and have never had a problem with them leaking or with rashes. There are SOO many different pads out there and patterns to make your own if you choose to. Many places offer Trial packs as well. I would say try a couple of different ones and see what style you like best. I don't even remember anymore where I got mine from.
Also consider using a moon cup or lady cup in leiu of a tampon. It is a reusable plastic cup that you insert like a tampon, the gently remove, empty, rinse and repeat or put away for another time. They work wonderfully and I am so happy that I am able to use non-toxic, environmentally friendly products for my monthly periods.
Google- cloth pads, luna pads, glad rags, comfy cloth pads, new moon pads
Good luck, give it a try, and please...don't be scared!

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answers from San Francisco on

I know a few people who use the luna pads and like them, but I don't know how absorbent they are or how well they stay in place during activities. Mostly I've just heard that they are very soft. If you don't like tampons, you might consider a Diva Cup (or another similar type of cup). They are very comfortable, and after a few minutes spent figuring out how to use them, they are very quick, easy, and comfortable (as in, I tend to forget that I even have it in). Just a thought, especially if you have sensitive skin (like I do ;), there is nothing that will irritate your skin.

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answers from Appleton on

I think the cloth pads are going to to make the rash worse. @ of my kids used cloth diapers and 2 disposable or paper diapers. The kids that wore cloth always had sore bottoms the kids that wore paper rarely had sore bottoms.
I think you need to try a different brand of pad or change pads more often. You can also keep baby wipes or feminine wipes handy and wipe off your bottom during the day and apply lotion, vaseline or a diaper rash ointment to the area.



answers from Pittsburgh on

I'm sure there are entire websites devoted to these types of products. Check out user reviews and FAQs.

Thank goodness for tampons! Lol



answers from Dallas on

My son wore cloth diapers for 2.5 years, and he has had 2 rashes. (Both correlating with teething.) I know a lot of other moms who cloth diaper, and they have had similar experiences. Typically rashes with cloth are due to the detergents used, or needing to be stripped. (Also, the cloth diapers from years ago are SO awful. Cloth diapers now are completely different. They are made differently, work differently, and use different materials.) What I'm saying, is I can't see how trying cloth would give you a rash. The important thing, is you must use a good detergent. (You could look for cloth diaper detergents.) Personally, I can't use tampons. Walking around with a foreign object in my body totally weirds me out. I do use pads, but have also considered using cloth. I saw that most companies offer all absorbancy's, lengths, sizes, as well as panty liners. I have not tried them yet, but you can do a google search and look for companies. They typically have facebook pages, and have a review section on the facebook page. You will get a lot of responses from customers there.



answers from Oklahoma City on

I broke out in blisters one time after trying new pads. I went to the ER because I didn't realize what was going on. The doc didn't even do any tests or anything but diagnoses my with Herpes....?????

I was at a friends house a day or two later and had to use stuff she happened to have since I had forgotten to pack mine and the rash/blisters went totally away in hours.

I tried the other pads once I got home and WOW, blisters again. So I knew I was allergic to something in those pads.

I suggest that you look at the label and see if it says "Deodorant" or something like that. They could have just added something that doesn't agree with you.

I used pads my entire life and know that is something that those people who do product development have no idea about. They just do something to a good product to "improve" it and they totally mess it up.

I can't imagine cloth pads being difficult. Other that having to wash them each month then having to sanitize the washer afterwards before doing any other laundry. Women made their own for centuries before we could go to the store and buy them in a nice little



answers from Clarksville on

I have a friend who used the cloth pads. She washed them in the washer by themselves. I used the natracare (not sure if that's how it's spelled). They are not bleached. I didn't have problems until I had my first child. And, in the hospital, I thought it was that I had hemorroids. But, I didn't. I was just allergic to the bleach. I have been fine since!!!! (And, I don't have to wash pads....)

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